Relaxing with Carol!/New Suit?!

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The alarm rings and Carol punches it! 

Carol: (Yawn) Well, time for a new day. What should I wear? 

The hero known as Captain Marvel begins to pick out her clothes to wear, and right there she sees a good outfit! 

Carol: PERFECT!!! 

She takes out a nice red shirt and some blue jeans. Then she slips on some red boots. 

Carol: Good morning New Canterlot!! 

You then appear. 

(Y/N): Good morning Carol! 

Carol: Morning (Y/N). So, did you sleep well? 

(Y/N): I did! Now then, what should we do today together? 

Carol: Hmmm ... I didn't really think of that until now. How about we just hang around? I'm not really too into being a girl who shows off to everyone. 

(Y/N): Okay. 

Soon .. at the Breakfast Table ... 

Carol: Wheatcakes? 

(Y/N): Not just any! They're like the ones that Aunt May makes!! 

You then get a call from Aunt May! 

(Y/N): Hi Aunt May. 

Aunt May: (on the phone) Hello there (Y/N). So, how's my favorite nephew? 

(Y/N): Fine. I'm just eating your famous wheatcakes. 

Aunt May: You don't need to be so sentimental around me you know. Just be glad that you can still eat them even if you don't live with me anymore. Well ... for now. Whenever it comes up. 

Carol begins eating while you talk to Aunt May. 


After she finishes the whole plate ... 

Carol: Alright, so I think we c- 

Then she's interrupted by a tug on the shirt by Sweetie Belle. 

Sweetie Belle: Hey Aunt Carol? 

Carol: Oh, you must be Rarity's little sister. 

Sweetie Belle: Yeah. Is it really true that you're part alien as well as an Avenger? 

Carol: Yeah, why? 

Sweetie Belle: Then can you explain what happened to the Spider-Man suit? 

She brings out your suit, except it looks black. 

(Y/N): Sweetie, did you try to do the laundry again? 

Sweetie: No. It just happened to look like this when I found it. Are you alright there (Y/N)? 

(Y/N): Hmmm ... hey Carol, mind trying this out on me? 

Carol: Alright. 

You put it on, and then you go outside to see Carol preparing to launch an energy blast at you. You decide to take the full brunt of the attack, and just when you do, the suit manages to lessen the damage. 

Carol: WHAT THE?! 

(Y/N): It must be alive! I can feel the strength burning inside of me! Alright!! 

Carol: Enthusiastic are we? Why don't we try and see how you do with the whole swinging around town then? 

(Y/N): Alright! 

Soon ... 

You and Carol are moving around town as Spidey and Captain Marvel! 

And well, it seems like you're getting used to this new suit!! Now you see a bunch of criminals, and decide to stop them!! 

Crooks: Ha! No Spider-Man here to- 

Spidey: Ta-Da! Say my name and I magically appear!! 

Crooks: Spider-Man!! 

They try to shoot you, but you take them down due to your webs managing to swing them into various pipes and cars! 

Spidey: Wow! This is even great in battle! Alright, how about some- 

Then one of the crooks take someone hostage! 


You then web him over and begin brutally beating him! 


Then Carol stops you. 

Carol: Spidey, what are you doing? That's not how we act as h- 

Spidey: Get off me, Carol!! He needs t- 

Carol: Okay, that suit is doing something to you! It needs to come off! 

Spidey: Wait ... what if- 

???: No don't listen to her, you're alright. 

Spidey: It's fine Carol. I can control it. 

Soon ... You and Carol return home ... 

Carol then gets back into her normal clothes and she kicks her boots off revealing her red nail polish. 

Carol: So (Y/N), are you sure that you want to keep the black suit? 

(Y/N): I'm sure that I can control it. Though I don't get why it was talking. 

Carol: Talking? 

(Y/N): Yeah, like a voice in my head. I- Nevermind. 

Later ... 

You make a quick order, and begin to do cheers with Carol! 

You make a quick order, and begin to do cheers with Carol! 

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Carol: Man you sure love those dogs! 

(Y/N): Classic New Canterlot Style! 

You both proceed to scarf down on them, just as you kiss some of it off! 

Carol: Hey, what did I say about you and me kissing without my consent? 

(Y/N): Sorry! 

Carol: Ah, I'm just messing with you! 

She begins to kiss you, and you kiss her back while giving her a footsie. Then she deepens the kiss more and more!!

(Y/N): I love you Carol my Marvel! 

Carol: And I love you too (Y/N), my cute Spider! 

Then you kiss her more and more on her face, and she returns the favor. 

Though your suit is beginning to watch and do a little sinister look! 

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