More Classmates Move in!

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You walk to the club like last time to watch Trixie perform her magic show! And well, you sit down along with Vinyl, Lyra, Bonbon and Octavia!

(Y/N): Hello my pretty ladies!!

Girls: Hi (Y/N)!

They hug you and begin kissing your face!

(Y/N): Did you come to a decision yet?

Girls: Yes we have!

Vinyl: Will I get a room where I can play my music when I want to?

Octavia: Do I get some means as to drown out the music?

(Y/N): Yes!

Lyra and Bonbon: DO WE GET TO SHARE A ROOM?!

(Y/N): Yes.

Lyra and Bonbon: ALRIGHT!!

???: Hey, what did I miss?

Derpy Hooves (Bubbly Student at CHS! Loves muffins! Voiced by Tabitha St

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Derpy Hooves (Bubbly Student at CHS! Loves muffins! Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain!)

(Y/N): Derpy!

Lyra: She really wanted to meet up with you again.

(Y/N): Really?!

Derpy: (Y/N), I know I didn't get to say this before but ...... I ...... I —

(Y/N): You love me right?

Derpy: Yep! That's pretty much it!

She leans over and kisses your cheek.

(Y/N): You're just as cute as the others!!

Derpy: Awww! You're so sweet! You're like a bunch of muffins combined together!

(Y/N): Great! Once the show is over then it's right for home sweet home!

On the stage...

Trixie begins to create a whole bunch of cards from her hands!

Trixie: Now watch and be amazed!!

She flips them and with her hands pulls the number and suits off of them!!

And then she makes them glow and sparkle!

Crowd: WOW!!!

It was quite incredible how she could pull this feat off!


Soon ... once you bring the girls back to the mansion...

They all unpack and begin exploring.

Octavia: I could perform here forever! This is so incredible! I couldn't begin to imagine all the instruments I want to play in here.


Octavia: Please don't.

Vinyl: No promises.

Derpy: Do we have muffins?

(Y/N): Yes we do Derpy!

Derpy: YAY!!

Trixie: Oh yes, Trixie could really get used to this kind of luxurious treatment!

(Y/N): Just remember that you need to get along with all the ladies here. I really don't want you guys fighting.

Girls: We understand.

Lyra: Do we get our own rooms?

(Y/N): For the most part.

Bonbon: We'll then, why don't you show us the way then?

(Y/N): You got it!

You lead your lovely new goddesses right through the mansion!

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