Sand Central Station!/Times Square Rumble!

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Twilight was walking Spike, and soon she began to pass by Grand Central Station, only to see something completely shocking!!


Twilight: WHAT THE HELL?!

Spike: Why is the whole station covered in sand?

Twilight: Sandman! How did the Sinister Six get loose?

Inside the Station!

Marko was with Absorbing Man and the two began to laugh as they covered up anyone who tries to attack them.

Sandman: Alright people, no fighting around here. Clear out.

Absorbing Man: Hey Marko, why don't you try using your new skills?

Sandman: With pleasure!

Sandman begins to generate sand creatures from his sand, and they begin holding anyone in the station hostage!

Back outside...

Twilight gets Spike inside her shirt, and she notices the Sand Monsters.

Twilight: Bring it!

She begins using some martial arts moves she learned from Natasha, Rainbow, and Ochaco, and then blasted them.

Twilight: Not so tough now huh?

But one was about to attack her, and then it got blasted by Tony.

Iron Man: Twilight, what you shouldn't be up in this mess.

Twilight: Tony I can handle myself! Might I remind you, I helped save you guys from the Masters of Evil. So what's going on?

Iron Man: It seems that Sandman is in league with Dr. Doom.

Twilight: The ruler of Latveria? Why?

Iron Man: Long story. It's got to do with the Silver Surfer.

Twilight: Who?

Tony: This is going to be a long day.


The rest of the Sinister Six were terrorizing Times Square!

Doc Ock, Electro, Kraven, Mysterio, and Vulture had found another one of the pieces of Silver Surfer's board!

Octavius: Well done my comrades. We have acquired another piece.

Electro: You know it feels great out and working together again! I feel invincible! Unstoppable!

Kraven: Just don't let it get to your head Ma-


Mysterio: And when Spider-Man shows up-

Vulture: We squash him like the insect he is!

???: Hey there guys! How's it going?

You arrive with Hawkeye, Katsuki, Mr. Fantastic, and Natasha!

Sinister Six Members: SPIDER-MAN!!

Katsuki: You know it's like you guys love being in Jail. What you like the food or something?

Hawkeye: Well, I doubt it's improved since my time there.

Natasha: You really going to bring that up now?

Hawkeye: Better late than never.

Reed: I really don't appreciate you robbing from my lab. It's hard to pick up the mess while also chasing you.

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