Masters of Evil!

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The Avengers Tower 

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The Avengers Tower 

Captain America made his way through the training room, dodging all kinds of gunfire and other obstacles! He throws his shield at the cannons, and he manages to get through unscathed! 

Captain America: Alright, I need another round of- 

The power then goes off. 

Captain America: What's going on? Hello? Tony, do you h- 

Knockout gas then appears throughout the room. 

The Avengers Leader then begins to lose consciousness. 

Zemo then walks in front of him. 

Zemo: It's over Captain, you will regret having crossed the name of Zemo. 

Captain America: Z-Zemo? 

Meanwhile ... 

Tony was working on his creations when he noticed something was wrong. 

Tony: JARVIS, can you check the security systems? 

JARVIS, the AI Butler, doesn't respond. 

Tony: Jarvis? 

At that moment, Melter, Radioactive Man, Living Laser, and Crimson Dynamo attack him! 

Tony: WHAT TH- AGH!! 

Melter: How does it feel Iron Man? 

Crimson Dynamo: Without that suit, you're nothing. 

Living Laser: We've got plans for you Stark! OI SIMON! 

Wonder Man then appears and grabs him. 

Wonder Man: Hello Tony. 

Tony: S-Simon? What are you- 

Wonder Man: LIGHTS OUT!!!

Meanwhile .... 

Hawkeye and Black Widow return to the tower after hearing about the noise! 

Black Widow: Okay, the lights are off, what could be the meaning of this? 

Hawkeye: I say that it's Loki. But I could be wrong about that. What do you think? 

Black Widow: No way, Loki's more of a showoff. I say th- 

Scorpion then stabs her with his tail! 

Hawkeye: NATAS- 

Shocker then blasts Hawkeye! 

Scorpion: Just like taking candy from a baby! 

In Antman's Lab ... 

Antman was checking the systems of his helmet, and once the power hit, he tries to call for Wasp! 

Antman: Come on Janet, pick up the phone, please! 

Then he notices someone small, growing right in front of him! 

Yellowjacket: HELLO PYM!!!

He then stabs him! 

With Hulk and She-Hulk ...

She-Hulk: Damn it! Where did the lights go? 


The screens turn on, and we see Enchantress on them. 

Enchantress: Hello there Monsters. 

Hulk: WHY YOU!! 

Before he could attack, the Executioner comes and stabs Hulk with his axe. And before She-Hulk could react, Abomination and Absorbing Man grab her! 

Abomination: Going somewhere you little bitch? 

Absorbing Man: It's Payback time!!! 

She-Hulk: THOR!! TH- 

Grey Gargoyle: Don't bother about it mon Cherie. 

Chemistro: We already dealt with him. 

They drag Thor out, who is now a statue, they think bring out more statues of other Avengers, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Spider-Woman, and others. 

She-Hulk: What do you- 

Enchantress then appears before her. 

Enchantress: You both will be of use to us. 

She kisses She-Hulk and implants a mind control on her! 

And then she plants one on Hulk. 

Executioner: So now what? 

Enchantress: We enjoy the moment of course. Wrecking Crew, take them away. 

Wrecker: With pleasure! Piledriver, Thunderball, Bulldozer! 

Wrecking Crew: GOT IT! 

Wrecker: And make sure not to leave a dent on Goldilocks, I want to make sure I crack his skull wide!!! 

Meanwhile .... 

Twilight wakes up, and she shakes her head. 

Twilight: What was that about? Did I just see .... OH NO!! THEY'RE IN TROUBLE!!! 

Soon ... 

Twilight wakes up you, Sunset, Sci-Twi, the Dazzlings, Rainbow, AJ, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Gwen! 

(Y/N): Are you sure about this? 

Twilight: I know what I saw! The Avengers are in trouble! We have to do something! These Masters of Evil guys are the ones behind this! 

Sunset: Alright. If you're sure about this, then we should look into it! 

Adagio: Hold on hold on. This Zemo guy, he can't be real. I mean, the Nazis are long g- 

Rainbow: Ever hear of Hydra?

Sonata: Yeah, adoy! They're like Neo-Nazis! Everyone knows that! 

Adagio: I DIDN'T! 

Aria: Guess you can't be right about everything! 

Adagio: SHUT UP!! 

They begin beating each other up! 

Fluttershy: Oh dear, we have to fight again? 

Gwen: Looks like it. I say we kick their butts! 

Sci-Twi: Then I'll go and call for extra backup! 

She rushes to the phone and begins to call for help from Nova, Luke Cage, White Tiger, and Iron Fist! 

Meanwhile ... 

Zemo wakes up Captain America who is tied down to a stretcher in the Tower. 

Zemo: Hello Captain, how pathetic you have gotten. 

Captain America: ZEMO! WHERE ARE MY- 

Zemo reveals the rest of the prisoned Avengers. 

Zemo: You have lost Captain. Face it, you've gotten too old for this time. 

However, a Boom is then heard downstairs!! 

Zemo: NOW WHAT?!

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