She rolled her eyes before her hands went to the hem of her shirt and she eyed me.

I closed my eyes but it only made me fucking angry.

"I''s not like that and I don't want to talk about it anymore. I like him, sure. But i'm trying to stay on his good side so can you just relax please?"

Why the fuck is she trying to stay on his good side?

My eyes opened and she was in a little skirt thing and just a bra but when she said that, I opened my eyes and forgot she was changing.

She didn't seem to mind that I opened them at this point though so I kept them open.

She had a silk bra on and I could see her nipples through it. She's pretty tiny but she was definitely gifted with an insane chest. I'm not a fucking pig but her tits are nice. What can I say? It was not the fucking time to be thinking of her like this. Or at all, we don't fucking get along and there's a reason for that.

"Why the fuck are you trying to stay on his good side? You're not fucking telling me something. I could tell last night when you didn't give a fuck where he was or even care to tell him you made it home. I knew you liked him but now I don't think you fucking do so why are you still hanging around him?" I stood up and walked over to her as she slipped a little white top on and looked up at me.

"I told you...I like him." She lied and I narrowed my eyes at her as I stood directly in front of her.

She's not even trying to hide the fact that she's lying. She's a good liar but right now, she's not even trying.

"'re a better liar than that baby." I whispered and she sighed before shocking me when she wrapped her arms around me neck. "Don't miss me too much today." She said with a smirk before dropping her arms and walking towards the bathroom in here.

She's fucking scheming. Something is going on and I don't like not fucking knowing. Especially when it has to do with Grimaldi.

I followed her into her bathroom as she brushed her teeth and I leaned against the doorway.

"Any games you're playing on him right now, you should fucking know better. It won't end well. So do yourself a favor and cut ties with him."

She leaned down and spit out the toothpaste as I watched her every move.

"Will you tell me what you haven't been?" "What?" I asked with confusion and she rolled her eyes before grabbing her hairbrush.

"Tell me whats so dangerous about him. What's his side business? Tell me that and maybe i'll consider leaving him alone."

That's what she's fucking doing? Now she's actually gonna get herself fucking killed. She's playing with fire and she'll fucking lose. And how the hell did she know about a side business?

"You're trying to figure out what he's into? Renny fucking stop while you're ahead. I'm serious. I'm not telling you what he does for your own safety, I don't understand what you don't get about that. If you wanna fuck him, I can't fucking stop you so go the fuck ahead, he's already seen you naked so it doesn't matter at this point but do not try and dig into his personal life because it'll get you killed." "You hate the thought of him fucking me because why? Because you're jealous or is there a deeper reason? Is that one of the things that could be dangerous for me?" She questioned and I tried not to lose it on her right now.

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