Sozin's Comet Part 1 - Phoenix King

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Outside of the beach house, Zira and Aang were training with their firebending while the others watched from the steps. Zuko and Shai stood close by monitoring their movements. 

"Aang, more ferocious"  Shai instructed as the two passed them 

"Imagine sticking through your opponent's heart" Zuko added with his arms crossed 

"Ugh! I'm trying" Aang groaned and stopped making Zira stop as well.

"Now let me hear you roar like a tigerdillo!" Zuko ordered 

Zira grinned before turning and roaring ferociously, firebending rather strongly out of both hands and her mouth. Ember screeched from where she was perched up in a palm tree and flew down to land on Shai's shoulder. 

"Okay Aang, now you. Show us what you got" Shai encouraged. 

Aang turned and tried to do the same as Zira, but only weak streams of fire come out from his palm and mouth. Aang turned to look at his teachers sheepishly. 

"That sounded pathetic. I said, roar!" Zuko snapped

Aang turned around and roared loudly, sending large streams of fire from his fists and mouth. 

Momo chattered in fright and ran to hide behind Zuko's leg who nodded in approval. 

"Who wants a nice, cool glass of watermelon juice?" Katara called out, holding up two watermelons with straws in them. 

" Ooh, ooh! Me, me, me!" Aang cried, running off

"I want some!" Zira added, running after him but Zuko grabbed the backs of their clothes and tried to pull them back

"Hey! Your lesson's not over yet! Get back here!" He pulled Zira back and held Aang up by his robes. 

"Come on, Zuko. Just take a break. What's the big deal?" Suki laughed 

"We have been training all morning, Zuko" Shai added 

"Fine!" Zuko huffed, letting the kids go. 

They quickly took off running to grab their drinks from Katara. 

"If you want to lounge around like a bunch of snail sloths all day, then go ahead!" Zuko yelled and stormed off. 

"Maybe Zuko's right. Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. But I know just the thing to change all that" Sokka smirked and stood up. 


 "Beach party!" Sokka yelled, jumping excitedly into the water. 

"Cannonball!/ Woohoo!" Zira and Shai cried, jumping in after him. 

They all resurfaced grinning goofily and Sokka with a strand of seaweed over his head making the others laugh. 

 Katara jumped off the shore into the water as she waterbent a surfboard made of ice. She jumped off a wave and landed back into the water with ease. 

Suki was laying on a beach mat in her red beach outfit and smiled as Sokka walks past carrying seaweed in his arms. She looked puzzled as Sokka grabbed empty buckets and filled them with water, a huge smile plastered on his face.

Aang was holding a big piece of wood in his hand and placed it as a horn into his sand sculpture of Appa. 

"Check out my Appa sand sculpture" He smiled as Appa walked up to him with Ember on his horn and Zira beside him, wringing out her hair. 

"It looks great, sweetie" Zira grinned as Appa roared at the sculpture 

"Not bad, baldy. But I've been working on my sandbending" Toph stretched and cracked her fingers " You're gonna love this." 

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