The Siege on the North Part 1

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Zira sat silently watching as Katara sparred against another student. She'd insisted on coming to the waterbending lessons with Aang and Katara, something about her wanting to take her uncle's advice and learn from different elements. 

 Katara's opponent looked at her with a frightened expression on his face, shaking slightly. 

He summoned a globule of water, froze it into a ball, and fired it at her. 

Katara, however, was quick to melt the ice and, turning around swiftly, bending a wave of water at him, which she proceeded to freeze, thus suspending the boy in an icy trap.

"Nice try, Pupil Sangok. A couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge." Pakku melted the ice around the boy with a displeased look. 

"Would anyone care for a rematch with Katara?" He then asked his other students who were all battered and bruised from fighting Katara. None of them very eager to go again. 

Zira silently stood from her seat " I'll go" 

"Very well" Pakku gestured for the girls to start. 

The two girls got into position and immediately attacked. 

Fire and water colliding. 

Aang frowned watching Zira. Noticing her fighting style had also been affected by her grief. She was harsher, less graceful and overall more... angry. 

Zira did a front flip, kicking a ring of fire from her feet at Katara. 

Katara quickly blocked the flames with a stream of water and sent an array of ice spikes at the princess. 

Zira spun in a low circle, kicking her foot out to melt the oncoming spikes. 

The girl's locked eyes, both breathing heavily.  

Zira grunted and sent a large fireball at Katara. 

Katara ducked and shot a wave of water in return, hitting the princess. 

Zira rolled on the ground and growled in frustration as she got up.  

The waterbender sent another wave at her friend which she dodged, ducking low to the ground. 

Simultaneously, the girls sent another attack at each other. 

Katara managing to freeze Zira in a wall of ice, while she went crashing to the floor from the strong fire blast.  

Pakku clapped as the fight came to an end.

"Excellent work, ladies" He praised as Katara got up and the ice around Zira melted 

"You two have advanced more quickly than any student I've ever trained" 

Katara smiled brightly at his words, Zira just bowed her head. 

"You have proven that with fierce determination, passion and hard work, you can accomplish anything. Raw talent alone is not enough " Pakku turned to look at Aang who was lazing on the ground now playing with Momo 

"Pupil Aang!"  

Aang quickly sat up " Yes, Master Pakku?" 

" Care to step into the sparring circle? I figure since you've found time to play with house pets, you must have already mastered waterbending." Pakku stated sarcastically 

" I wouldn't say mastered, but check this out." Aang jumped up from the ground and bent snow around him to make himself into a snowman. 

Momo tackled the monk, making him laugh. 

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