The Fortune Teller pt 1

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The kids were camped out beside a lake. Zira looked up when she heard something splashing and saw a fish jumping out of the water. 

"Look!" She gasped pointing to it

"He's taunting us" Sokka grumbled "You are so going to be dinner" 

Sokka rushed to get his fishing rod but stopped when he noticed the line missing. 

"Hey, where's the fishing line?" 

Aang looked up from what he was doing sheepishly " Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka" 

He held up a beautifully woven bracelet with a red flower in the centre. 

"Ah, it's all tangled" Sokka groaned 

"Not tangled, woven" Aang corrected, standing up " I made you a bracelet, Zira. I-I thought it'd look nice on you." 

Zira blushed slightly as Aang held out the jewellery for her. 

"Thanks, Aang. It's beautiful" Zira smiled and Aang's cheeks flushed red 

"Katara, can you help me put it on?" 

"Of course" The water bender smiled 

"Great, Aang" Sokka grumbled "Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewellery-making business" 

"I don't see why I can't do both" Aang shrugged before their attention was diverted back to the fish jumping out of the water again. 

"Stop taunting me!" Sokka yelled, throwing his fishing rod into the water. He then took out his knife and ran into the water to try and catch the fish. 

"So...How do I look?" Zira shyly asked, making Aang turn around. 

Zira stood behind him, playing with the ends of her hair and her new bracelet on show around her wrist. 

"You mean, all of you or just your wrist--I mean, because both look great" Aang stuttered with red cheeks 

"Smoochie Smoochie" Sokka teased " Someone's in love" 

"I, well--" Aang and Zira glanced at each other but quickly looked away with pink cheeks when they made eye contact. 

"Stop teasing them, Sokka" Katara scolded as Sokka came out of the water. 

The team suddenly heard a beast growl from somewhere in the forest. Aang jumped onto a rock to see what was going on. 

"Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!" He exclaimed and the kids rushed off to try and help. 

A little way down the river, the kids spotted a man calmly dodging the bear's attacks.

"Well, hello there" The man greeted dodging another swing from the bear " Nice day, isn't it?" 

"Make noise! He'll run off!" Aang yelled at the man

"No, play dead! He'll lose interest!" Sokka yelled 

"Whoa, close one" The man laughed as the bear swung at him. 

"Run down a hill then climb a tree!" Katara yelled 

"No, punch him in the bill!" Sokka yelled again 

"And then run in zig-zags!" Zira added 

"No need. It's going to be fine" The man brushed them off

The platypus bear clawed at him but he spun and ducked making the bear slash the tree behind him.

Out of nowhere, Zira suddenly ran in front of the man, staring down the platypus bear. 

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