North and South

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Zira couldn't help but feel nostalgic as the familiar frozen landscape of the South Pole came into view. It looked a lot different from when she was last there. The igloos were gone and instead were replaced by large detailed buildings that reminded Zira of the Northern Water Tribe. It looked amazing! 

 It looked amazing! 

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Not mine ⬆

"Aang, look!" Zira pointed to where she spotted Katara waving at them from outside the beautiful walls now surrounding the Water Tribe. 

The airbender directed Appa down to her and he and Zira quickly jumped off. 

"Aang! Zira!/ Katara!" 

"I've missed you guys so much" Katara smiled as the three friends quickly grouped hugged. 

"We missed you too, Tara" Zira replied

"How's Zuko? Were you able to get the spirits to settle down?" Katara then asked 

"Actually, it wasn't spirits at all... It was Azula" Aang replied 

"Oh, no!" Katara gasped and turned to Zira "Are you okay?" 

Zira was silent for a second before she forced a smile "I'm fine. Everything's okay now. I'm just glad the Kyoshi Warriors are there to help out" 

Aang and Katara shared a look briefly before Hakoda walked up to them, smiling. 

"Avatar Aang! Princess Azira!" He bowed respectfully 

"Hello again, sir" Zira bowed back 

"Good to see you, Chief Hakoda!" Aang added, bowing as well 

 "It's actually Head Chieftain Hakoda, now" Katara corrected with a proud grin 

"Really? Wow! Congratulations Head Chieftain Hakoda, sir!" Aang gasped 

"Please, just call me "Hakoda", Aang, Princess, but thank you" Hakoda smiled

"In that case, you can just call me "Zira," None of that title stuff," Azira said and Hakoda nodded 

"What's going on? How come you guys are out here?" Aang asked, looking over at the Water Tribe Warriors scattered around. 

"Just playing it safe. Don't worry, it's nothing my officers and I can't handle" Hakoda reassured them." Why don't you three go and enjoy the festival?" 

"Thanks, dad" Katara waved to her father as the trio headed inside the wall. 

"Zira, my dad's always been kind to Zuko hasn't he?" She then suddenly asked 

Zira looked at her confused "I...assume he has. Zuko hasn't told me otherwise. Why do you ask?" 

Katara glanced back at her dad "I've just been thinking...I ought to do the same for him" 

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