The Guru

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In a beautiful upper ring multi-story residential complex, on the third floor, Iroh was cooking at a stove while Shai was sat at the table, looking out the window in deep thought. He only looked away when he heard Zuko coming in from the other room. 

"Hey, you feeling any better?" He asked his friend.

"Good as new" Zuko replied in a surprisingly positive tone making Shai look at him weirdly 

Zuko then sniffed the air. 

"What's that smell?" He asked 

"It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it." Iroh replied, stirring the thick white paste in the pot. 

He backed away a little as Zuko came over and sniffed the pot's contents. 

"Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Uncle" The princes smiled, picking up a bowl 

Iroh looked at him suspiciously. Glancing over his shoulder at Shai who shrugged at him. 

"Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow," He said, ladling the jook into Zuko's bowl. 

"Are you sure the Dai Li haven't brainwashed you somehow while we were asleep?" Shai joked only being slightly serious. 

" It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop. Things are looking up" Zuko replied, optimistically. 

"And who knows, maybe Azira will come for visit" He knelt beside Shai at the table and took a sip of his jook before pulling the painting of him and sisters out of his pocket. 

Iroh's concerned look soon melted into a pleased smile at his nephew's new attitude. 


In the military headquarters of Ba Sing Se. On the top floor, an enormous open chamber served as the war room. The centre of the ornate room was dominated by a map of the known world, perhaps sixty feet aside. Katara and Zira knelt at the raised frame of the map, Momo perched on Zira's shoulder. The Council of Five were seated at a long table overlooking it. 

"General Fong's base will serve as the launching point of the attack" General How explained, "In exactly two months, the Army and Navy will invade the Fire Nation on The Day of Black Sun." 

He earthbent three earth unit markers across the sea to the fire nation capital, where a red marker stood. Momo suddenly pounced on the fire nation maker, scattering the other pieces. 

"Or we could send in Momo to do some damage." Katara joked 

 Zira started laughing as Momo continued to hop around the map, scattering more pieces. 

"Cause the..." Katara continued to laugh, but then noticed the grim expressions of the Council"...sorry"

With a quick earthbending move, General How snapped the pieces upright, startling Momo who shrieked and raced off the map. Perching on Zira's shoulder once more, who giggled and scratched his ear. 

"All we need is the Earth King's seal in order to execute the plan," The general said, placing a scroll on a section of the map frame, which he bent across to the girls. 

" We'll get these scrolls to him right away." Zira smiled, picking up the scroll. 

"Thank you, General How" Katara added, she and Zira standing to bow respectfully before leaving. 


Appa, flew past mist-shrouded mountain peaks as the sun was setting in the distance. From his seat on Appa, Aang looked about in wonder, and slight nostalgia as the Eastern Air Temple came into view. 

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