Tales of Ba Sing Se

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The story of Katara, Zira and Toph 

Zira smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she finished brushing her hair and tied it back into her usual ponytail. Katara stood next to her also doing her hair before she went to wake up Toph who was still asleep in her room. 

When she opened the door, she gasped at the sight. Toph, her hair a horrible mess, lay face-down on her bed with her blanket sloppily laying over her. 

"Toph, aren't you gonna get ready for the day?" 

Toph whipped her head up causing her wild bed-head-hair to fly about. She quickly spat a large loogy into a nearby spittoon which spun upon impact. Katara stared at the earthbender shocked as she simply got to her feet and brushed a large amount of dust off her sleeping shirt. 

"I'm ready," She said as Zira peeked her head around the door 

"You're not gonna wash up?" Katara questioned "You've got a little dirt on your ... everywhere, actually" 

"You call it dirt, I call it a healthy coating of earth!" Toph replied 

"Hmm ...You know what we need? A girl's day out!" Katara suggested 

"Do I have to?" Toph groaned 

"It'll be fun. Zira, you in?" Katara turned to the little princess 

"I don't know, Tara. I was planning on-" 

"I think you should go, Zira" Aang suddenly appeared beside her  "Get out of the house for a bit, you know. Have fun, explore the city, treat yourself. You deserve it"

He gave Katara a knowing look and the waterbender just nodded from over Zira's shoulder


The girls were stood outside of a large building that is decorated with pictures of flowers and plants as fancily dressed women in beautiful robes walked out and smiled at each other. 

"The Fancy Lady Day Spa?" Zira questioned 

"Sounds like my kinda place," Toph said sarcastically 

"Are you two ready for some serious pampering?" Katara asked them, looking excited 

"I guess" Zira shrugged 

"Sure, Katara, whatever you say. As long as they don't touch my feet." Toph said before they walked inside, Toph with her head hung low. 

Moments later, Zira and Katara were happily having their feet scrubbed by the attendants. But Toph gritted her teeth as she was held down by two of the girls as another attendant tried to scrub the excessive amount of dirt and mud off of her feet. 

In the end, it resulted in one of the girls being flung out into the hallway as Toph accidentally earthbent out of annoyance. 

Later, the girls were soaking in mud baths with mud masks covering their faces, cucumber slices over their eyes and towels around their heads.   An attendant with her arms full of fresh towels walked over to Toph as she exhaled, accidentally earthbending the mud on her face making it move strangely, creating a scary appearance. 

The attendant screamed and ran off making the girls burst into fits of laughter. The mud around Toph's mouth morphing to form a large goofy smile. 

Next, the girls went into the sauna. Toph kicked the ground once causing a rock from the cold pile to fly onto the pile of hot rocks before Katara, used waterbending to slash the hot rocks with some water creating steam. The girls all sighed in content at the relaxing feeling. 

Inner Fire - ATLA fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora