The Search

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In the city of Yu Dao a couple of days later, Zira sat bored between Aang and her brother in a meeting discussing what was going to be done about Yu Dao. A man stood in front of everyone rambling but Zira wasn't listening, having lost interest ages ago. She and Zuko had been searching for their mother the whole time with no success. She was nowhere to be found. It was like she'd vanished into thin air. 

"Tell me again, how exactly is boring lecture guy supposed to help us figure out what to do with Yu Dao?" Sokka whispered to Aang and Zira. 

"He's an expert on ancient earth kingdom theories of government. The Earth king thinks we should draw on the wisdom of the past to build a society of the future" Aang whispered back. 

"Even if the past bores me out of my skull?" Sokka complained, resting his chin on his arms. 

Zira sighed and leant on her hand "Yeah, I agree. We need a new way of seeing the four nations, not--" 

"Can you three keep it down, please?" Katara hissed "Some of us are trying to listen" 

"Sorry, Katara/ Sorry, Tara" Aang and Zira apologised 

"Surprise, surprise. My boring sister likes boring lecture guy" Sokka teased, making Zuko looked over from the end of the table 

"Hey! That's my girlfriend you're talking about!" 

Katara bent the water out of her cup, froze it into snow, and chucked it at Sokka's face making Aang and Zira laugh as Zuko smirked amused. 

The man was still rambling on in front of them "Blah blah--Family-- blah blah blah" 

This caught Zuko's attention "Professor, can you repeat that last part?" 

The man sighed "A teenager is a teenager, apparently, even if he's a head of state. I was explaining Fire Lord Zuko, an ancient Earth Kingdom philosophy: Family is in essence a small nation, and the nation a large family. Do you understand?" 

Zira glanced at her brother beside her as the professor continued " In treating his own family with dignity, a ruler learns to govern his nation with dignity" 

"Zuzu, are you okay?" Zira whispered as the professor went back to rambling 

"Have you been listening to him?" 

"I've been trying but all I'm getting is "Blah Blah Blah" Zira smiled sheepishly 

"I put dad in prison and our sister in an institution. Mom's been banished for years. What does that mean for the nation?" Zuko muttered 

"Zuko, that's not what--"

"This guy's a blowhard. Only people like Katara are taking him seriously" Sokka cut in, resulting in more snow being flung in his face.


A week after the meeting, Zira went back to the capital for a few days. She was in the prison tower, watching through the barred window as her sister sat in front of Ozai. Suki and Ty Lee stood behind her as additional protection in case things went bad. 

She glanced over briefly when she heard footsteps, but it was only Zuko approaching with Shai, so she turned back to the cell.

"The Yu Dao summit seems to have done you some you some good" Shai smiled at the Fire Lord " You're more upbeat than--"

"My usual, dour self?"

"I didn't say that. We're glad to have you back, Zuko" Shai playfully nudged his friend before wrapping his arm around Ty Lee.

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