The Warriors of Kyoshi Pt 2

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Azira wandered around the island a little more when she eventually came across a small cabin. She cautiously peered around the door.

Inside, the girls who had ambushed them the other day were busy practising their technique. Azira watched in awe at how graceful and clean their movements were. The girls finished their routine and began talking amongst themselves.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" One of the girls had spotted Azira peeking around the door. Azira panicked and tried to hide.

"Don't try and hide! We know you're there!" The leader yelled.

Azira slowly and cautiously came out of her hiding place and entered the hut, facing the warriors with a sheepish look.

"What are you doing here? Why were you spying on us?" The leader demanded, pointing at the small girl accusingly.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to i-intrude... I-I was j-just wondering around when I s-saw you practising and I-I thought it looked cool so I-I stayed to w-watch" Azira apologised "I-'I'm really sorry"

"If you wanted to watch you could've just asked" The leader stated, calming down.

"R-really?" Azira looked shocked at the older girl " B-but...I'm Fire Nation?"

"I've realised that if the Avatar trusts you, then I see no reason why we shouldn't. Besides Fire Nation or not..." The leader came and knelt in front of Azira, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"'re still just a kid" The leader gave her a friendly smile that eased her shyness and nerves.

"I'm Suki, by the way," The leader, Suki, introduced herself

"N-nice to m-meet you, S-Suki"

"Say, we don't normally do this but, how would you like to be trained as a Kyoshi Warrior?" Suki asked the young girl.

Azira's eyes lit up" I-I'd love to!"

"Then let's get started, you're highness" Suki smiled


A few minutes later, Azira was dressed in a Kyoshi Warrior uniform with her face full of makeup and she was being given a lesson by Suki as the other girls watched.

Suki demonstrated a simple move with her fan before turning to Azira.

"Okay, now you try. Remember, it's not about strength, it's about using your opponent's force against them" Suki instructed as Azira took her stance.

Azira began to mimic Suki, but she was sloppy and clumsy in her movements causing her to trip and fall.

"I-I'm s-sorry." She immediately apologised in a panic" I-I'll try again. I-I can do better!'

"Azira, it's alright" Suki gently told the young princess" No one gets it the first time. We all messed up when we first started learning"

The other girls nodded and murmured in agreement, helping soothe the small child.

"Just pick yourself up and try again" Suki encouraged, helping Azira off the floor.

Azira retakes her stance nervously. She glances at Suki and the other warriors who all give her nods of encouragement.

Azira took a deep breath and did the move again. This time executing it perfectly. The warriors all cheer and applaud the young girl who smiles sheepishly.

" See, you got it. You're a fast learner,  kid" Suki grinned and Azira could not help the smile that made its way onto her face.

"Okay girls, altogether from the top" Suki instructed and the all the girls plus Azira got into formation.

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