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"Zira's in trouble"

Those three words sent the Gaang into a panic!

They sprinted back to their rooms, scrambling to get dressed and stuffing anything they would need to take with them into their packs.

They needed to hurry. For they had no idea what state Zira was in. Was she hurt? In life-threatening danger?

As quick as they could, they were back out in the courtyard loading up Appa with their bags.

As Aang went to jump into the driver seat, Kiyi ran up to him, tugging on his toga to get his attention.

She had tears running down her usually rosy cheeks.

"A-Aang? Please b-bring Zizi back!" She hiccuped

Aang smiled softly and brought the tiny girl in for a hug.

"I'll bring her home, Kiyi. I promise" He pledged before jumping onto Appa.

"Lead the way, buddy. Yip Yip!" He flicked the reigns and they were off.

Ursa, Noren and Kiyi watching them disappear from below.


Ember flew just a little ways ahead of Appa as they brought the Gaang to the forest where Zira was taken.

The bison landed by the border, the forest being too thick for him to fly through, and the Gaang jumped off.

"Why would Zira go in there?" Katara muttered, eyeing the dense woodland in front of her with Ember perched in one of the tree branches.

"This was the last place we saw Azula. Maybe she was looking for a lead?" Zuko replied, taking her hand.

"Whatever the reason, we have to find her and fast" Aang declared before whistling for Ember who flew down onto his shoulder

"Lead the way, girl"

Ember chirped and took to the air, flying into the trees. Momo was quick to follow her in the air as the Gaang ran after them.

They followed Ember for miles into the thick woodland. Not daring to stop even once so when Ember finally landed on a tree branch with a squawk the kids were all leaning over out of breath.

"Where...where are we?" Zuko panted, leaning against a tree.

"It looks like where Zi was camping for the night" Sokka explained, crouching by the ashy fire pit and Zira's blanket on the ground.

"Great, then what?" Toph asked sarcastically "She just magically disappeared into thin air?"

Shai scowled at her "This isn't a joke, Toph! Aren't you worried at all about her?"

"Hey! Sparky's my closest friend out of you dunderheads! Of course, I'm worried about her! " The earth ender resorted

"Both of you, enough" Aang cut in "Fighting isn't going to find Zira. It's only gonna slow us down"

The two huffed but calmed down.

"Guys, I think I've figured out what happened..." Sokka turned to the group with a grim expression as he held up the now empty smoke bombs from the ground.

"Azula kidnapped her"


Zira groaned as the early morning sunlight shone into her eyes, waking her from her sleep. Holding a hand over her eyes to block out the blinding light, she slowly sat up, holding her head feeling dizzy still.

Inner Fire - ATLA fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang