The Rally

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The rest of the Gaang came sprinting out at the explosion! 

"What happened?!" Katara cried as they ran over to the now burning factory! 

"I don't know! Some kind of explosion?" Satoru replied 

"No one was inside were they?" Aang asked before looking around "Wait, where's Zira and Toph?!" 

"Toph wasn't in her room! I checked before we came out here!" Satoru exclaimed, "But, the princess I have no idea where she is!" 

"Everyone stop panicking, we're fine!" Zira's voice called out from underneath a slab of metal

Toph lifted the slab, revealing the two girls underneath, a little singed but unharmed. 

"It'll take a lot more than an exploding factory to take us out" Toph smirked as they rose to their feet. 

"Zira! Are you okay?" Aang rushed forward to embrace his girlfriend 

"I'm fine, Aang. That piece of metal protected us from most of the blast" Zira smiled

"Guys! Quiet a second, I need to listen" Toph stomped her foot on the ground to feel the vibrations

She pointed to an ally way "There! Two people running down that alleyway! Probably the same people who sabotaged the machine" 

"Go catch the people who did this, Zira and I will put the fire out!" Katara cried bending a stream of water towards the roaring flames. 

"Oh, we'll catch them. Not a problem" Aang smirked before running off with Toph down the ally-way. 


In the early hours of the morning, just as the sun was peeking over the horizon, Zira and Katara were finally able to put out the last of the fire. 

"There's Aang!" Katara pointed into the sky, where Aang was flying towards them. 

"Welcome back, Twinkle Toes. Tell me you caught the guy who exploded my dad's factory" Toph said as Aang landed 

"I caught him, literally" 


"He fell off a cliff, so I had to rescue him. He was so grateful he gave up who hired him to attack Earthen Fire Industries" Aang explained 

"Who was it?" Zira questioned 

"Yeah, 'cause me and them are going to have words" Toph scowled 

"The firebender said he was hired by two teenage girls, one of whom was a skilled earthbender" 

"Why would an earthbender have a grudge against Earthen Fire industries?" Toph wondered "My people should know better than that?" 

"Was there a reason behind the attack?" Katara asked 

"The firebender didn't know. He wasn't given a reason" Aang replied as Lao and Satoru came over to them.

"My factory wasn't the only one targeted last night. Several other businesses were sabotaged as well. This seems to be more than a random act of violence. It feels coordinated" Lao declared

"There's something strange going on in Cranefish Town. Something lurking beneath the surface, like a catgator waiting to leap out and claim it's pray" Sokka stated before pulling out his detective hat "Time for Team Avatar investigations to delve into these mysterious goings-on!" 

"I can't believe you still have that hat" Katara sighed 

"I can't believe you ever thought I'd get rid of this amazing hat. Don't you know me at all?" Sokka resorted, adjusting his monocle. 

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