City of Walls and Secrets Pt 1

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Zira lay her head on Aang's shoulder with Momo resting in her lap, bored from the endless hours they'd been sitting on the train. Katara sat up beside her and glanced out the car window. 

"Look, the inner wall. I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece." She smiled, spotting the inner wall in the distance. 

" Hey, don't jinx it!" Sokka said from across the aisle " We can still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!" 

" You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph joked making Zira giggle slightly 

" I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us" Sokka replied before a  very strange man with a glossy stare and a large corn plant in his mouth squished his way between Toph and Sokka, startling them. 

Aang turned to look out the window and closed his eyes sadly. Zira noticed and gently took the airbender's hand. 

"Don't worry, we'll find him I promise" She reassured, turning to look out the window also.

 "It's such a big city," Aang muttered 

"He's a giant bison! Where could someone possibly hide him?" Sokka questioned, coming to stand beside them. 

The car passed through the inner wall and entered the vas, enormous city of Ba Sing Se that stretched almost as far as the eye can see, and was riddled with many roads and buildings

"Oh..." Sokka muttered upon seeing how big the city actually was. 


The car finally came to a stop at the monorail station and they all disembarked, greeted by another spectacular view of Ba Sing Se. 

"Back in the city "Toph sighed 

"Great..." Zira rolled her eyes 

"What's the problem? It's amazing!" Sokka said, looking around excitedly

"  It's just a bunch of walls and rules" Zira crossed her arms 

"You wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days  " Toph added, Momo on her shoulder. 

Aang looked down at the bison whistle resting in his palm. He brought it to his lips and blew it as he looked across the city. 

"I'm comin' for ya, buddy" He muttered as Zira came to his side and took his hand reassuringly. 

"He's here; I can feel it." He said 

Zira rested her head on his shoulder, smiling when she felt Aang kiss her forehead gently. 

"Hello, my name is Joo Dee" 

Zira yelled in fright and spun around, clinging to Aang at the sudden appearance of a woman with long dark hair and a creepy, unnatural smile on her face.

"I have been given the great honour of showing the Avatar and Princess around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara, and Toph. Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?" Joo Dee asked, the smile never wavering from her face. 

" Yes. We have information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King immediately." Sokka explained

"Great, let's begin our tour. And then I'll show you to your new home here. I think you'll like it." Joo Dee smiled, completely ignoring Sokka, and went to lead the Gaang away. 

" Augh! Maybe you missed what I said" Sokka quickly stopped the woman  "We need to talk to the King about the war, it's important." 

" You're in Ba Sing Se now. Everyone is safe here." Joo Dee smiled 

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