The Water Bending Master

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Zira shivered in the back of Appa's saddle. Despite the warm blanket around her shoulders, she was still cold.  Cold and bored.

They'd been flying for 2 days and it was taking ages to find the Northern Water Tribe.

"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka questioned since the bison was skimming the surface of the water.

"I have an idea. Why don't we all get on your back, and you can fly us to the North Pole" Aang snapped.

"I'd love to," Sokka replied sarcastically "Climb on, everyone. Sokka's ready for take-off"

Momo chittered and hopped onto his back.

"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight," Katara said, trying to ease the tension. 

"And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe" Sokka grumbled "There's nothing up here" 

A sudden splash caught their attention and an ice spike shot up from the water. 

Appa swerved to avoid it. 

More ice spikes shot from the water at them and the kids screamed. 

Appa accidentally clipped one of the spikes and went spiralling out of control. 

They landed with a splash in the water and ice quickly surrounded the bison, preventing him from moving. 

Boats then appeared through the ice, heading for the kids. 

"They're waterbenders" Katara gasped " We found the Water Tribe" 

"More like, they found us" Zira muttered, looking at all the waterbenders. 

The kids were then led to the Northern Water Tribe by the waterbenders. 

"There it is!" Aang exclaimed, pointing to a giant wall of ice with the Water Tribe symbol carved into it. 

"The Northern Water Tribe" Zira gasped in amazement 

"We're finally here" Sokka added 

When they made it to the base of the wall, the waterbenders opened a tunnel and gestured for the kids to go through.

Once inside, more waterbenders brought down the second wall to allow the kids inside the city. 

"I can believe how many waterbenders live up here" Katara smiled 

"We'll find a master to teach us no problem" Aang replied 

The kids made it inside the city and people cheered when they saw Aang, who smiled and waved at them. 

Zira took in the city in awe. She'd never seen anything like it before. 

"This place is so beautiful" She gasped 

"Yeah...She is" Sokka muttered in awe, staring at a white-haired girl passing on a boat. 


It was music night on the boat as they were docked at a port. Shai and the crew at around a fire pit as Iroh started singing. 

"Winter, spring. Summer and fall" He sang as two other crew members danced around the deck " Winter, spring. Summer and fall. Four seasons. Four loves. Four seasons. For love--" 

Iroh's song was interrupted and the music halted when Zhao and two soldiers walked onto the boat unannounced. Shai glared when he saw his uncle's arrogant smirk.

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