Return to Omashu

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Zira stared in shock at the city in front of her. This couldn't be real. How could this happen? 

"I can't believe it." She whispered 

" I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed ... untouchable," Aang muttered from beside her. 

"Up until now, it was. Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left." Sokka said, crossing his arms. 

"This is horrible, but we have to move on," Katara stated 

"No, I'm going in to find Bumi." Aang declared firmly. 

"Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still ..." Sokka trailed off 

"What? If he's still what?" Aang snapped, angrily.

" A-around." 

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending," Katara said, placing a hand on Aang's shoulder, trying to reason with him.

"This isn't about finding a teacher, is it?" Zira whispered to him. 

No. It's about finding my friend." Aang declared  


Aang brought the team down below Omashu's main gate to a secret tunnel. 

"A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time?" Sokka questioned 

Aang finally opened the tunnel, revealing it filled with sewage. 

Sokka reeled back in disgust. 

"That answer your question?" Aang chuckled. "Come on, Zira" 

Aang held his hand out to the princess. Zira glanced disgustedly at the sewage drain before grabbing Aang's hand and entering the tunnel. 

They then proceeded to make their way through the tunnel, Aang conjuring an airball with his staff to keep the slime away from him and Zira. Katara was behind them, using her waterbending to manoeuvre the sewage carefully around her. Sokka, on the other hand, was getting completely soaked in the foul substance. 

They finally made it into the city only to find it completely deserted. There was not a soul in sight and there were no lights on in the houses. 

"That wasn't as bad as I thought," Katara said, climbing out of the sewer and brushing off her skirt. 

Sokka then climbed out, covered head to toe in slime. Katara spotted a  barrel of water nearby and used her bending to wash the sludge off before Aang then used his airbending to dry him. 

Sokka then noticed little creatures had attached to his skin and he screamed.

" Ahh! They won't let go! Help!" He panicked, pulling at the creatures, but they refused to let go. 

"Sokka, shh! Stop making so much noise." Zira hissed, quickly pushing Sokka into a wall to try and quieten him. 

"It's just a purple pentapus." She smiled, lightly rubbing the creatures head making it release its grip on Sokka. 

Sokka rubbed the spot where the creature was attached, before copying Zira and doing the same with the second pentapus. 

"Hi, little guy" Zira giggled as she played with the adorable creature in her hand. The pentapus squeaked and nuzzled into Zira's hand making her smile. 

"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew?" A guard suddenly yelled, spotting the kids. 

The pentapus squeaked and crawled into Zira's pocket as the guards stormed up to them. 

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