The Bridge of No Return

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The next morning, Aang and Katara were headed to master Pakku's waterbending school and insisted Zira tag along. 

Aang noticed the bags beginning to form under Zira's eyes and gently took her hand.

" Sweetie, you look exhausted. Did you sleep at all last night?"  He asked

Zira smiled at him "I'm fine, Aang. Nothing to worry about"

"Right. Sure" Aang muttered, not believing her in the slightest. He knew she'd tell him what was bothering her eventually so he didn't force her.

When they arrived at the schoolhouse, Zira stopped at the top of the steps while the others approached the door.

"You're not coming in?" Katara asked

"It's a waterbending lesson, I'm not sure I'll be much help" Zira smiled "I'll wait for you guys out here with Ember"

The bird landed on her shoulder when she said her name, nipping at her ear like usual.

"Well if your sure, we'll try not to be too long" Aang and Katara shared a look before knocking and walking inside the school.

As the door closed, Zira let her smile fall. Ember chirped and nipped her ear again slightly. 

"I'm fine Em, you go have some fun"

The hawk gave one last chirp and chitter before flying off, chasing the falling snowflakes falling from the sky. 


After a while, Zira was sat on the steps playing with the ends of her hair in deep thought as she watched Ember play about.

Aang was right. She had barely slept a wink last night. Because the truth was, she was worried. After her last encounter with Azula, she didn't know what to think anymore.

Everything was just a mess. Azula was gone again. Zuko had basically given up on trying to find her. Everyone had. They all thought she was dangerous. Crazy. Unredeemable.

Why couldn't she have just had a normal life? With two loving parents and older siblings who didn't try and kill each other every chance they got? No arguing, no threats, no fighting. Just a normal, happy, family.

But no. Her life and her family have to be so...complicated


Zira looked up and saw Hakoda walking up to her on the steps. He had a walking stick with a bandage around his midriff.

"Hello, Hakoda. Feeling better" Zira smiled, bowing her head respectively

"I'm getting there. What are you doing out here by yourself?" The chief asked, coming to stand beside her.

"Katara and Aang are helping with a waterbending lesson, so I thought I'd stay out here for a bit and clear my thoughts"

"Anything I can help with?"

Zira sighed and looked down "Hakoda... how do you know when it's time to give up? Like, you've tried over and over and over again to help someone but nothing is working and things just seem to be getting worse and we worse. When is it time to just call it quits?"

Hakoda was quiet for a moment as he thought of a reply


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