Jet pt.2

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Back in the hut, Sokka was awoken by noises coming from outside. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and glanced at the others sleeping. Only to find Zira's sleeping bag empty!

"Load her up. Let's go" He heard Jets voice and all drowsiness was suddenly gone.

He shot up and peeked through the curtain to see Jet and his freedom fighters loading a cart with the crates of blasting jelly and a small sack.

Sokka quickly and quietly followed the fighters to a cliff and watched them from behind some bushes.

"Now listen. You're not to blow the dam until I give the signal" Jet ordered " If the reservoir isn't full, the Fire Nation troops could survive"

"But what about the people in the town?" The Duke questioned, hoping off the cart " won't they get wiped out, too?"

"Look, Duke, that's the price of ridding this area of the Fire Nation" Jet stated

"But what about the girl?" The Duke asked again

Sokka's blood ran cold when Jet pulled an unconscious Zira out of the sack. She was gagged and tied up with chains. Her hair had fallen out of its tie and it now hung loosely around her bruised face and her arm was bleeding badly!

"She'll be used as a way of getting a message across to that tyrant father of hers" Jet smirked, throwing the poor girl to the ground harshly.

Sokka couldn't believe this. They had Azira! They were going to kill her! He had to warn the others. The sun was already rising!

He went to back away but suddenly his wolf tail got yanked and he was pulled from the bushes by Pipsqueak and dragged out into the open.

"Where do you think you're going, ponytail?" Smellerbee threatened, holding a knife to Sokka's throat.

"Sokka. I'm glad you decided to join us" Jet smirked as Sokka was pushed to his knees in front of him.

"I heard your plan to destroy the Earth kingdom town" Sokka glared at him.

"Our plan is to rid the valley of the Fire Nation"

"There are people living there, Jet, mothers and fathers and children. Innocent people" Sokka scowled getting to his feet

" Like what? Like her?" Jet spat, pointing to Zira laying limply on the ground.

"Have you forgotten what her Nation has done?! What her family has taken from you?! From all of us?! They took your mother away!"

"Zira had nothing to do with that! She's just a kid! She's done nothing wrong! " Sokka shouted charging at Jet but Pipesqeak and Smellerbee held him back.

"She's a threat, Sokka!" Jet yelled back" Trust me, the world will be better off with her gone! Take him for a walk. A long walk. I can't have him warning Katara and Aang"

Smellerbee and Pipesqeak restrained Sokka's arms behind his back.

"You can't do this! She's just a kid!" Sokka yelled, struggling against Pipsqueak and Smellerbee.

"Cheer up, Sokka. We're gonna win a great victory against the Fire Nation today. Starting with the princess" Jet smirked as Sokka was dragged away.


"I'm sorry about how Sokka's been acting" Katara apologised to Jet as they walked along to the river with Aang.

"No worries. He already apologised after we took June to medicine hut since she got hurt" Jet lied

"Sokka apologised?"

"June got hurt. Why didn't anybody tell me?!" Aang panicked

" She fell and hurt her ankle getting off the zip lines this morning. She's fine but what we gave her knocked her out for the rest of the day. You can visit her later" Jet smoothly lied again.

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