Sokka's Master

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Zira watched in amazement, laying beside her friends on a make-shift roof built over Appa as they gazed up at the meteor shower lighting up the starry night sky. 

"Wow, this is amazing to watch" Katara gasped

"It's beautiful" Zira smiled 

"It sure is..." Aang sighed from beside her.

Zira glanced at him before blushing and letting out a laugh when she saw he was looking at her.

She leaned up slightly to peck him on the lips sweetly, before snuggling into his side as he draped his arm around her. 

"Kind of makes you realise how insignificant we are" Sokka added 

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it 1,000 times" Toph shrugged 

The Gaang awed as there was a sparkle in the sky before gasping as a large meteorite entered the atmosphere and fell toward the earth. 

"Oh, man! You've never not seen anything like this" Sokka stared wide-eyed, sitting up with the others. 

The meteorite soared over their heads and landed in the distance with an enormous crash. Smoke arose from the crater. 

The kids glanced at each other nervously. 

Quickly hopping into Appa's saddle, they flew towards the crash site, seeing a raging fire and a town nestled in the mountainside further away. 

"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Zira exclaimed 

"Not if we can stop it" Aang replied as Appa landed and all but Katara jumped off. 

"There's a creak over here. I'll bend the water onto the fire" Katara explained, before flicking Appa's reins and taking off. 

"Toph, you and Aang make a trench to keep the fire from any coming closer." Shai instructed "Zira, you and I will try and keep the fire as steady as we can until Katara gets back with the water" 

"On it!" 

"What should I do?" Sokka asked as they began to run towards the enormous inferno. 

"You keep an eye on Momo and Ember! Don't let them near the fire!" Shai instructed before rushing towards the flames with the kids beside him. 

"So what, I'm just a lemur and fire hawk-sitter?" Sokka grumbled as Momo landed on his head and Ember landed on his shoulder with a squawk. 

"There, there" He scowled, petting Momo's head. "Feel better?" 

Aang and Toph ran toward the fire before swinging their arms down and cut a fissure through the ground in front of the fire. 

They raised their hands, then flung their arms to both sides, bending the fissure into a trench and pushing the fire back.

 Flaming embers fall around Sokka and the animals. 

Frantically Sokka stomped one out with his club while Momo and Ember stomped out the rest and landed back on Sokka's shoulders. 

Sokka looked back to see all the other fires put out and gave the animal's a sour expression.

Zira and Shai stood on opposite sides of the fire now pushed back by the trench. 

Raising their arms, they flung their hands forward in this air and the flames got slightly smaller and less wild. 

From the sidelines, Sokka watched as Appa flew over the fire while Katara sprayed a shower of water from an orb, putting out most of the controlled flames. 

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