The Avatar State

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Aang is running about the Southern Air Temple when he comes across the room where he had found Monk Gyatso's skeleton. But instead, he saw his own self in the Avatar State. 

The personage of himself turns to glare at him angrily. 

The wind blew past him harshly. 

He turned and saw his friends huddled behind a rock, watching his other self in the Avatar state, terrified. 

The other Aang sent a powerful blast at him, sending him flying back! 

When he landed, he found himself in the Fire Temple where he had talked to Roku. 

The doors to the room open and revealed the other Aang in the Avatar State. 

He breathed fire and the floor split in half! 

Aang cried out as he fell through and landed harshly onto the deck of a Fire Nation ship.

The monstrous koi fish, created when he'd fused with La, stood over the ship menacingly.

The personage of himself could be seen inside.

The creature made a downward cutting motion before a blinding white appears

Aang then found himself standing in the spirit oasis! 

"...Aang..." A voice called out "...Aang..." 

"...Zira?" The monk turned around and saw the small princess standing by the arch. 

Her face void of any emotion. 

Her once sparkling eyes now empty and dull. 

"You didn't protect me, Aang," Zira said 

"You said you wouldn't let anything happen to me. You promised!" 

A dark red patch appeared in the middle of her chest, slowly expanding and staining her dress.

 The exact place where Zhao had mortally wounded her 

"You lied to me!" She snapped 

Aang saw the red seeping through and ran to her as Zira began to stumble and fall to the ground. 

"No!" Aang cried, sinking into the pond

"I trusted you..." Her voice echoed in his ear  

"...This is your fault..." 

"Zira!" He called out as he sunk into the water's depths--

Aang sat up gasping in his bed. He looked around and saw he was back on the Water Tribe ship. He jumped out of his hammock and climbed the ladder to the deck. 

He lent on the railing, looking out at the dark ocean when he felt someone stand next to him. 

"Aang, are you okay?" Zira yawned, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you " Aang muttered 

"It's fine. Do you want to talk about it?" Zira asked 

"Nah. Just a nightmare" Aang replied "I was in the Avatar State, but I was outside my body watching myself. It was scary... I was scary" 

Zira frowned and pulled the boy in for a hug. Aang clung to her tightly. 

"There's something else, isn't there?" 

Aang nodded into her shoulder.

"You can tell me, Aang. You know that" Zira pulled back to smile at him reassuringly. 

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