Bitter Work Pt 2

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Zira knelt beside her sister in the throne room as her grandfather watched from behind a wall of flames.

"And how was it Great-Grandfather Sozin managed to win the Battle of Han Tui?" Ozai quizzed his children.

"Great Grandfather won, because..." Zuko trailed off, struggling to think of the answer.

"Because even though his army was outnumbered, he cleverly calculated his advantages. The enemy was downwind and there was a drought. Their defences burned to a crisp in minutes." Azula answered for him.

"Correct my dear. Now, won't you show Grandfather the new moves you demonstrated to me?"

Azula got up and performed a perfect routine of firebending forms. Zira watched in amazement.

"She's a true prodigy! Just like her grandfather for whom she's named." Ozai smiled proudly as Azula finished and sat back down.

" You'll never catch up ..." She whispered to her brother

" I'd like to demonstrate what I've been learning," Zuko declared, getting up.

His father frowned at him.

Zuko attempted to copy Azula's moves but ended up falling. He got up to try again but got the same result.

"I failed" He muttered as his mother ran to him.

"No. I loved watching you. That's who you are, Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting even though it's hard" Ursa reassured him.

As they moved back to their seats, Azulon turned to his youngest granddaughter who had been silent the entire time.

"Azira, why don't you show us how you've improved?" He suggested

Zira shook her head, keeping her eyes down. Ozai's scowl deepened.

"That wasn't a request, child. Show your grandfather what you've learned" Ozai snapped, making her flinch.

Azira hesitantly stood up and stepped forward. She tried to repeat her sister's movements, but her flames were weak, her stance unstable and she tripped and fell.

"I-I...I-I'm sorry...I-I'll" Zira trembled under the judgmental eyes of her father and grandfather.

Her eyes began to water in embarrassment and she fled from the room, ignoring her mother calling out to her. But she didn't fail to miss the glare on her father's face.


After Azulon had dismissed them, Ursa went looking for her youngest daughter. Finding her hidden up in a tree by the turtle duck pond. Zira looked up when she heard her approaching. Ursa smiled up at her daughter but she just looked away embarrassed and ashamed. Ursa sighed and took a seat at the base of the tree.

"My my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year," She said, looking at the flowers in the trees"But look..."

Zira glanced up to see her pointing to a blossom that had yet to open.

"This one's late. And I'll bet that when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all"

Zira looked down to see her mother smiling up at her lovingly. She jumped down and hugged her mother tightly, burying her face in her shoulder.

Zira opened her eyes again and sighed at the memory. Momo chittered from where he was curled up between her and Aang.

"You okay, Zira?" Aang asked, opening his eyes.

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