The Avatar Returns Pt 2

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After being taken to her room, Azira was sat on her bed, thinking. She was thinking of her conversation with her uncle earlier that day. He was right. She needed to find her own path. One that didn't lie with the Fire Nation.

With a new sense of determination, she sprang up from her place on the bed, grabbed a bag and began to stuff items into it. Things she would need to survive on her own and things she simply refused to leave behind.

Azira picked up a small painting of her and her siblings when they were younger and she hesitated.

It was when they had gone on a family vacation to Ember Island. She saw her younger self, smiling cheekily as she stood in front of her siblings, holding her toy doll in her hands.

Zuko and Azula each had a hand resting on her shoulders. Azula was scowling at something off to the side while Zuko had a slight smile on his face. They both hadn't wanted to have their picture taken but their mother had convinced them to do it.

Azira looking down at the picture with a sad look before shoving it in with her things and cramming her bag under her bed, out of sight. She then sat at her desk and began to write a letter assigned to her uncle.

Just as she was finishing the letter, she heard several loud bangs outside her door in the hallway. She got up cautiously and went to investigate.

She opened the door and looked around only to end up colliding with someone running down the hallway.

The two fell with a crash and Azira let out a small " oof" as she hit the hard floor.

She looked up and gasped when she saw that she had collided with the Avatar! He had somehow managed to escape and had crashed into her as he ran down the hall.

Aang quickly got to his feet and points his staff at Azira, getting ready for some kind of fight from the girl. But he stopped, confused when Azira backed away in fear.

"Hey, you're that girl I saw earlier. The one who tried to stop that angry teenager" Aang realised

Azira doesn't reply and glanced down at Aang's staff with fear. Aang sees her scared look and lowers his staff.  He then takes a step forward but Azira backed away, scared.

" Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you." Aang quickly told her " Here, let me help you up"

Aang used his air bending to lift Azira onto her feet making her gasp at the sudden movement.

" See. No harm done." Aang gave her a harmless and friendly smile

" I'm Aang by the way. What's your name?"

Azira remains quiet but the sound of guards yelling somewhere close caused them to gasp in sudden panic.

Azira quickly grabbed Aang by the arm and dragged him into her room, hastily shutting the door as a group of soldiers ran past. The two let out sighs of relief when the sounds of footsteps faded away and they turn to each other.

Aang is about to speak when there's a knock at the door making then freeze.

"Princess Azira?" Shai's voice echoed through the door " Azira? Are you alright in there?" Shai began to open the door and Azira rapidly motioned for Aang to hide.

Aang quickly ducked behind the door as it opens and Shai walked in.

"Zira? Are you alright?" Shai asked and Aang curiously peeked his head out from behind the door.

Azira nodded her head "Shai w-what's going on?"

Azira's eyes widened slightly when she spotted Aang looking and suitably gestured for him to hide.

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