Avatar day Pt 2

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After a night in the cells, Zira was relieved when Katara and Sokka finally returned the next morning.

"Honourable Mayor, we've prepared a solid defence for the Avatar and Princess. We did an investigation and found some very strong evidence." Katara informed the mayor as they stood outside Aang and Zira's cell.

Sokka leaned in toward the two kids and pointed at himself to emphasize that he was the one that discovered the evidence.  Aang flashes his teeth in return and Zira giggle slightly at how excited Sokka was over being the one to find the evidence.

"Evidence? Hmph! That's not how our court system works." The mayor scoffed.

"Then how can we prove our innocence?" Aang questioned

"Simple. I say what happened, then you say what happened, and then I decide who's right." The mayor smirked making the kids gasp in horror "That's why we call it justice. Because it's "just us."

The mayor walked away laughing maniacally, leaving the kids standing there with their mouths wide open in shock.

"We're so dead" Zira muttered 


Later, the kids were then taken out to a temple on the edge of a cliff where the entire village had gathered to watch the trail. The major stood addressing the crowd while Zira and Aang were off to the side, still in chains. Zira had been forced to put the shekels back on otherwise she wasn't allowed to attend the trial. A guard was standing next to the kids to make sure they wouldn't run off or try to use their bending. 

"Everyone loved Chin the Great because he was so great. Then the Avatar showed up and killed him, and that's how it happened." The mayor explained simply before walking away with a huge grin on his face.

"The accused will now present its argument." The guard announced in a deep monotone voice.

"You can do it, Aang. Just remember the evidence" Zira smiled reassuringly at the airbender as he went to move forward.

" Right ... evidence" He muttered before addressing the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen ... I'm about to tell you what really happened. And I will prove it with facts. Fact number one...Uhhh ..."

"The footprint!" Sokka whispered loudly from the stands and Zira frantically gestured to her foot.

"Oh, yeah. You see ... I have very large feet" Aang stated

The villagers glanced down at the monk's small feet, looking very unimpressed by his argument. Aang looked back up at the audience, looking very nervous. 

"Furthermore ... your temple matches your statue. But ... I was in a painting at sunset... So, there you have it, I'm not guilty." Aang ended with a huge smile

The crowd continued to look unimpressed, while Sokka and Katara had giant strained smiles on their faces.

"He's dead" Sokka muttered giving the airbender a thumbs up.

As Aang moved off to the side again, the major walked back to the front.

Zira felt her palms start to sweat out of nerves. It was now her turn for a trail. 

"The Fire Nation, including its citizens, are nothing but dangerous, monstrous killers! It is in their very nature to be evil and cunning. And that girl is no exception!" The mayor pointed an accusing finger at Zira who looked down in shame, even if she was nothing like the man had just described.

" The accused will now present its argument." The guard announced again in the same deep monotone voice.

Zira started to breathe heavily, her brow wet with sweat. 

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