The Firebending Masters pt 1

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It was Aang and Zira's first firebending lesson with Zuko as their new teacher. They stood on the balcony of one of the pagoda's ready to begin.

"Aang, I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in and of itself is not something to fear" Zira smiled reassuringly at him, taking his hand in hers.

" Okay. Not something to fear." The airbender sighed, still looking nervous but gave Zira's hand a gentle squeeze.

"But if you don't respect it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!" Zuko exclaimed, crossing his arms.

Aang yelped in fear and Zira glared at her brother.

"Wow, way to calm his nerves, Zuzu" She huffed sarcastically.

"Whatever. Now, show me what you've got. Any amount of fire you can make. Zira, you first" Zuko instructed

"Seriously? This is beginners stuff. Can't I learn something more, I don't know, master level?" Zira scowled.

"Now, Zira"

The young girl huffed in annoyance. She moved away from Aang, as to not burn him, before thrusting her hand out throwing a decent sized stream of fire into the air.

"Happy?" She stopped and turned to her brother annoyed.

Zuko ignored her "Aang, now you. Show us what you got"

Aang exhaled, taking in a nervous breath and attempted to copy Zira's move. He thrust his open palm out but only managed to release a small cloud of smoke which dissipated within a second.

"Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps another demonstration?" Aang smiled sheepishly

"Good idea. You might want to take a couple steps back" Zuko warned, gesturing for them to move away.

The two kids moved back and Zuko inhaled deeply before grunting and thrusting his fist out...but only a tiny flame burst out.

Aang applauded at this display but Zira started snickering behind her hand.

"What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen" She giggled

"I thought it was ... nice." Aang shrugged, smiling slightly

Zuko grunted again and rapidly firebent. But all his flames were as small as the first.

"Why is this happening?!"He grunted in frustration and stared at his palms.

"Maybe it's the altitude" Aang scratched his head

"Yeah, could be" Zuko muttered, turning away.


The trio found a new spot lower in altitude. Aang and Zira were sat on a broken pillar watching bored as Zuko firebent again and again with the same results.

Zuko grunted in frustration and unleashed another blast with no improvement.

Aang yawned and lay down, Zira resting her chin in her palm, blinking lazily.

"Zuko, do you want me to get Aang started while you deal with...whatever that is?" She asked bored.

"No! I'll figure this out. Just breath, and..." Zuko punched at the air but again only produced a tiny flame.

"That one kind of felt hot," Aang said, sitting up

"Don't patronize me! You know what it's supposed to look like!" Zuko snapped

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman" Aang apologised making Zira start snickering again.

" And stop calling me that!" Zuko yelled, throwing his arms up, making Aang cringe.

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