The Firebending Masters pt 2

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In the structure where the gemstone was found, the room had been cleaned on the goo and the trio freed. Aardvark sloths sat on either side of the boys, one in front of Zira, and licked the remaining goo off. Zira was trying very hard not to giggle at the tickling feeling as they were surrounded by concentric semi-circles of men and women wearing gear identical to the Chief's. 4 warriors holding a small flame in their hands.

"For trying to take our Sun Stone, you must be severely punished!" The chief glared, walking over to the trio.

"We didn't come here to take your Sun Stone. We came here to find the ancient origin of all firebending" Zira explained before one of the aardvark sloths licked some of the remaining goo off her nose making her giggle and crinkle her nose.

"Yeah, right. They are obviously thieves, here to steal Sun Warrior treasures" A man beside the chief scoffed, holding the sunstone protectively in his arms.

"Please, I don't normally play this card, but... I'm the Avatar" Aang declared, looking confident.

The man holding the sunstone look towards the Chief, puzzled as Aang stood up and gave a weak smile.

"Just hear us out."

"My name is Zuko, Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. Or at least, I used to be" Zuko introduced, standing up as well. " And this is my sister, Azira"

Zira stood up beside him and the Chief shared a shocked look with some of the other warriors.

"I know my people have distorted the ways of firebending, to be fuelled by anger and rage. But now I want to learn the true way, the original way" Zuko explained " When we came here, I never imagined the Sun Warrior's civilization was secretly alive. I am truly humbled to be in your presence. Please, teach us."

The trio all bowed their heads respectively.

" If you wish to learn the ways of the Sun, you must learn them from the master's Ran and Shaw." The Chief explained seriously

"Ran and Shaw? There are two of them?" Zira asked

"When you present yourselves to them, they will examine you. They'll read your hearts, your souls, and your ancestry." The Chief warned, stepping towards them.
"If they deem you worthy, they'll teach you. If they don't, you'll be destroyed on the spot" He took a step towards Zuko and Zira.

The two royals looked at each other extremely worried.


The next day the trio were brought to the main structure. The warriors were sat in concentric semi-circles, the trio right in front and the Chief standing in front of a blazing fire.

"If you're going to see the masters, you must bring them a piece of the Eternal Flame. This fire is the very first one. It was given to man by the dragons. We have kept it going for thousands of years" The chief explained, turning to the youngsters.

"Woah" Zira gasped, grinning in excitement.

"I don't believe it" Zuko muttered

"You will each take a piece of it to the masters, to show your commitment to the sacred art of firebending." The Cheif instructed

Aang looked unsure: Um, Mister Sun Chief, sir? Yeah... I'm not a firebender yet. Couldn't one of my friends here carry my fire for me?"


The Chief turned back to the flame and Aang looked uneasy. Zira gently took his hand in hers to reassure him silently.

"This ritual illustrates the essence of Sun Warrior philosophy" The Chief pulled part of the Eternal Flame out, turned around and split it, holding a flame in both hands.

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