The Painted Ladies

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Appa grunted as he floated down a sludge infested river with the Gaang on his back. Sokka was perched on the edge of the saddle trying to fish, while Zira and Shai sat beside him watching as Aang played hide and seek with Momo in the water. 

"Momo?" The airbender called out before ducking under the sludge again as the lemur flew over. 

Zira giggled as the lemur looked around confused. Ember then suddenly landed on her shoulder, dropping her ball into the princess's hand and squawking. 

"Ready girl?... Go get it!" Zira laughed and threw the ball over the river, Ember shooting off to catch it. 

Zira turned her attention back just as Momo crashed into Aang making the kids laugh. 

"You found me, buddy" Aang smiled as Ember landed on Zira's shoulder, the ball in her beak. 

Aang then airbent himself back into the saddle. 

He was covered in sludge. 

"Hey, guys, I think this river's polluted," He said, before airbending the goo off of himself but accidentally covering the others who all groaned in disgust. 

 Aang airbent again, cleaning the others of the goo and messing up their hair. 

"Well, that explains why I can't catch a fish around here. Because normally my fishing skills the hook!" Sokka joked, holding up his fishing hook. 

The Gaang just stared at him. 

"Get it, like a fishing hook?" Sokka grinned 

"Too bad your skills aren't on the hook" Toph smirked making the others laugh as Sokka scowled. 

"It looks like we'll need to go somewhere else to get food," Katara said, looking at the gross water. 

"Assuming that it'll fit into Sokka's master schedule" Shai added, as Sokka rolled out a huge roll of paper over the saddle. 

"Hmm...It's doable. But that means only two potty breaks today" He stated 

"Hey, maybe we can get food there" Aang stood up and pointed to a little village just down the river. 

They got out of the water and moved to a  secluded spot in the nearby uplands. Aang was covering Appa with a blanket of turf while Momo was covered in a smaller blanket. 

" Now you look just like a little hill with horns. Bye, buddy! " Aang grinned and Appa grumbled in reply. 

Zira stood not far from them with Ember on her arm. 

"Stay out of sight, girl. We'll be back soon" She said

Ember chirped and nipped Zira's ear affectionately, making her giggle, before she took off into the surrounding trees. 


The kids stood atop a cliff, overlooking the town. 

" I don't feel anything. Where is this village?" Toph asked 

" It's in the middle of the river" Sokka replied, pointing to the town floating on the polluted water. 

"Sure is!" A voice called out from below making the Zira jump slightly. 

They peered down to see an erratic looking man on his boat. 

"My name's Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?" The man - Dock- asked 

"We're from the Earth kingdom  colonies." Shai immediately answered. 

The Gaang stared at him but he just gave them a look saying "Just go with it" 

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