The King of Omashu Pt1

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The group had finally made it to the Earth Kingdom. Aang was walking ahead of the others and as he came over a small hill he grinned in excitement.

" The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu!" He announced gesturing to the magnificent city in front of him. " I used to always come here to visit my friend, Bumi"

" Wow!" Katara gasped in amazement " We don't have cities like this in the South Pole"

" It's amazing!" Azira beamed, in absolute awe of the giant city.

" They have buildings here that don't melt" Sokka gasped

" Well, let's go slowpokes. The real fun is inside the city!" Aang grinned as he took off down the hill

" Wait, Aang!" Katara called out" It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar and also that Zira's Fire Nation royalty"

" You two need disguises" Sokka suggested

"Wait, I just remembered!" Azira realised" Suki gave me spare clothes besides my Kyoshi Warrior uniform so that I wouldn't have to wear my Fire Nation clothes"

" So what am I supposed to do? Grow a moustache?" Aang questioned as Zira ran back to Appa to dig her spare outfit out of her pack.


A few minutes later and Aang had indeed gotten a moustache and a wig, that were both made from Appa's fur. Zira had gone and hidden behind the fluffy creature so that she could change in private.

" Oh, this is so itchy" Aang complained, scratching at the wig

" How do you live in this stuff?" He asked his giant friend. Appa just snorted at him.

" Great! Now you look just like my grandfather" Sokka commented sarcastically

" Technically, Aang is 112 years old" Katara stated, " Zira, are you ready yet?"

Azira didn't answer.

" Zira, you okay?" Katara asked again

"N-not really" Azira replied, still hidden behind Appa.

" Why? What's wrong?" Aang wondered and Zira poked her head out from behind Appa, making sure to keep the rest of her body hidden behind the fluffy creature.

"U-um...Does anyone have a coat I could borrow?" She asked anxiously

Sokka looked confused" Why do you need a coat? I thought fire benders don't get col-"

" I-I just need it!... please!" Zira snapped

There was a moment of silence as the others stared at her with confusion, worry and concern.

"...Here. You can borrow my mine" Katara muttered taking off her fur coat and holding it out for the young girl to take " It might be a little big but-"

" I-it's fine! Thanks, Katara" Zira quickly snatched the coat and ducked behind Appa again.

A few seconds later and Azira came out wearing Katara's fur coat and was wrangling her hair into a ponytail again. The coat was way too big on her and covered her entire body. Hanging loosely and dragging slightly on the floor.

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