The Avatar Returns Pt 1

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A while later and Azira is in her room, standing in front of her mirror. She's dressed in Fire Nation armour with her helmet resting on her dresser. She's struggling to do her hair, attempting to get it back into a neat top knot but it's not working. She groans in frustration as there's a knock at the door.

"Princess Azira? We'll be docking soon. Are you ready?" She hears her uncle ask from the other side of the door.

"J-just a second, Uncle!" Azira replied, rushing to finish her hair.

Iroh smiles fondly and opens the door to see Azira finish putting her hair into a sloppy top knot. It's done up loosely and loose strands are sticking out everywhere. 

" I'm ready" Azira breathes, turning to her uncle.

Her top knot then began to fall out and she desperately tries to salvage it. Iroh chuckles fondly and approaches her. 

"Here, let me help, little lotus flower" 

Azira sits on a stool in front of her mirror as Iroh quietly picks up her hairbrush and begins brushing her hair

After a couple of minutes, Azira sighed, her head and shoulders slumping.

"U-Uncle, put down the brush. I-it's hopeless." 

"Now Azira" Iroh put his niece's hair up into a neat top knot and begins to secure it with a red ribbon.

"Do I h-have to do this? E-everyone thinks I'm... w-weak" Azira asked, looking down at her hands. 

Iroh hums to himself, thinking, as he finished Azira's hair by placing her Fire Nation insignia in her top knot. He then goes to take a seat on Azira's bed.

" My niece, have I ever told you the reason why I call you 'Little Lotus Flower'?" He questioned 

" B-because the White Lotus is y-your favourite Pai Sho tile and I'm your f-favourite niece?" Azira replied, joining him on the bed. 

Iroh gave a big belly laugh at her response which makes the small girl let out a giggle.

" No...although that is one of the reasons" Iroh replied, still chuckling slightly.

" But the main reason is that ever since your birth, people have underestimated your significance and value. Much like the lotus tile. But I believe that if placed on the right path, you will accomplish extraordinary things. " 

Iroh hands Azira his white lotus tile and smiles at her with fatherly love. Azira gives a small smile back before turning serious again. 

" But Uncle, I-I don't understand. W-what is my path? How am I-I ever going to find it if I'm s-suck chasing the Avatar for the r-rest of my life?" Azira wondered 

Iroh lets out another small chuckle. 

" My niece you just need to listen. All around you are spirits. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you. Listen with your heart and you will understand my Little Lotus Flower." 

Azira smiles up at her uncle and hugs him tightly. She still doesn't quite understand what he means but knows one day she will. 

"Now, you'd better run along" Iroh stated, pulling away "Your brother will not be pleased if he has to wait on you" 

Azira lets out another sigh and goes to leave. 


Azira turned around to face her uncle again. 

" Your helmet" Iroh reminded, pointing to Azira's helmet that was still on her dresser. 

Azira mutters a silent " oops" before quickly retrieving her helmet from her dresser. She sends one last glance at her uncle before she leaves. Not looking forward to what's to come. 

Inner Fire - ATLA fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon