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A couple of days later, Zira kept her promise to her uncle and went to visit him in Ba Sing Se with the Gaang. 

She was sat on the roof of the tea shop, silently thinking to herself as Aang was inside meditating with the Air Acolytes and Sokka and Katara were off doing their own thing. 

After their visit to Iroh, Aang, Katara and Sokka were going to the South Pole to see Hakoda and Gran-Gran. Zira however, was headed home to the capital. She'd put it off for long enough and it was time to face her mother again. As awkward as that was going to be. 

"Hey, kid!" Sokka called from below, snapping her out of her thoughts as Momo and Ember landed on her shoulders. 

"We're leaving as soon as Aang's done with the meeting. We gotta load up Appa" 

"Coming" The animals flew off as Zira stood up and jumped down from the roof, using her fire to slow her landing. 

After packing all the bags into the saddle, the trio heard a bell chime and soon the Air Acolytes started filing out of the tea shop. 

"Hey, Sweetie! You guy's done?" Zira asked, poking her head in with Katara and Sokka. 

"Just finished" Aang smiled 

"Perfect timing! We just got everything packed on Appa" Sokka pointed to the bison over his shoulder. 

Appa groaned in reply. 

"Where are you headed?" Iroh asked, coming out from behind the counter

"Well, I'm going back to the capital to see Zuzu and Mom. But the others are heading to the South Pole" Zira explained 

"It'll be our first time back since the end of the war" Sokka grinned 

"We've been planning this trip ever since running into a couple of Katara's old friends at the Earthen Fire refinery" Aang smiled 

"They were right--we should've gone back sooner to help rebuild," Katara said "Plus, we'll finally get to see dad!" 

"And go penguin sledging!" Aang added 

"And eat some of Auntie Ashuna's seal jerky" Sokka drooled 

"What's penguin sledging?" Zira asked Aang as they walked out the door. 

"Oh, you catch a penguin and then ride on its back down a cliff. It's really fun!" Aang smiled 

"It sounds fun. I'll have to come down and visit sometime" Zira replied "...If my mom ever lets me out of her sight" 

Aang took her hand "Your mom will understand, I'm sure of it. Just explain to her how you feel and go from there. It'll be okay" 

Zira smiled gratefully and pulled him in for a kiss "I'll miss you" 

"I'll miss you, too" Aang leant his forehead against hers for a moment before turning to the others "Let's get moving! Weather's perfect right now. If we hurry, we can probably get to--" 

Aang was cut off by a sudden squawk and a messenger hawk flew from the sky, landing on Aang's shoulder. 

Ember squawked on Zira's shoulder, at the other messenger hawk as Aang took out the letter.

"Aang, what is it?" Katara asked 

"It's from Zuko" 

"If this is him complaining I've been gone for too long? I swear..." Zira sighed 

"No...He needs me" Aang replied, showing Zira the letter 

Aang, spirits are threatening the Fire Nation. Please come help

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