Bitter Work Pt 1

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Zira giggled in her mother's lap, as she watched the turtle ducks swimming in the pond. Ursa handed Zira the breadcrumbs in her hand and smiled as the tiny girl threw the food into the pond for the turtle ducks.

 "Hey mom, want to see how Azula feeds the turtle ducks?" Zuko smiled up at his mother before he threw the rest of the loaf into the water, hitting one of the baby ducks

"Zuko! Why would you do that?" Ursa scolded

Zuko watched the water, scared that he'd killed the poor creature. He sighed in relief when the baby turtle duck resurfaced with a quake. The mother turtle duck swam over to make sure her baby was okay before she quaked angrily at Zuko and bit his ankle. 

"Ow! Ow ow! Ouch!" The prince yelled in pain, trying to shake off the angry bird. 

Ursa moved Zira off her lap before standing and removing the turtle duck, dropping her back into the pond. 

The mother duck gave one last quake before swimming off with her babies. 

"Stupid turtle duck, why'd she do that?" Zuko pouted, hugging his knees.

"Zuko, that's what moms are like." Ursa smiled, kneeling beside her children, placing her arm around both of them. " If you mess with their babies..."

The woman playfully bit at her children's ears making them laugh.

"They're gonna bite you back!" 

Zira's eyes fluttered open, awaking from her dream as the early morning sun shone brightly into her eyes. 

The ground then started shaking and Toph's earthbending tent suddenly exploded. Out of the dust, the said earthbender emerged with a huge grin. 

"Goooood morning, earthbending student!" She exclaimed with her fist in the air. 

"Good morning, Sifu Toph" Aang smiled, standing over Sokka who was trying to remain sleeping in his sleeping bag. 

"Hey, you never called me Sifu Katara," Katara whined, sitting up. 

" Well, if you think I should ..." 

Sokka sat up in his sleeping bag, grumbling angrily at how much noise the others were making. 

"Sorry, snoozles. We'll do our earthbending as quietly as we can." Toph then earthbent a spire of rock underneath Sokka, catapulting him screaming into the air. 

Sokka landed with a harsh thud in front of the team. He got up, still in his sleeping bag, grumbling irritably to Aang and Toph before hopping away. 

Aang then jumped next to Toph looking excited "So what move are you going to teach me first?  Rock-a-lanche?...The Trembler? Oh, maybe I could learn to make a whirlpool out of land!" 

"Let's start with, move a rock" Toph stopped him. 

" Sounds good! Sounds good!" 

Toph earthbent two boulders in front of them. The other's watched from the surrounding rock ledges. 

"The key to earthbending is your stance. You've got to be steady and strong. Rock is a stubborn element. If you're going to move it, you've got to be like a rock yourself." Toph explained, shoving Aang to prove her point  

" Like a rock. Got it." Aang nodded, rubbing his side where Toph shoved him

"Good. Now the actual motion of this one is pretty simple" Toph then lunged forward and sent the rock smashing into the side of the canyon. 

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