Start from the beginning

Olivia struggled, but it was no use. Greyback was certainly stronger than her, and she couldn't reach her wand, not at this angle.

She was thrown to the ground, her jaw hitting the ground the hardest. When she looked up, she was in the middle of a circle.

A circle of masked figures all wearing that Death Eater mask.

Where the fuck was Regulus and her dad?

"Tut tut tut. What do we have here, a party crasher?"

Olivia would recognise that voice anywhere. The witch had stepped forward and was slowly circling her.

She may not have been able to see her face, but that voice and the mess of black hair let her know that it was Bellatrix Lestrange.

Her eyes flashed gold without her knowing.

"Halfbreed!" Bellatrix sneered. "And how did you get past the wards?" She aimed her wand. "Crucio."

Olivia held in her screams as her body writhed on the floor. It felt like she was on the full moon, her body transforming into the wolf.

When it finally stopped, she climbed onto her knees and spat out the blood in her mouth.

"How do you think? I'm a Pureblood just as much as you are." Olivia grinned as Bellatrix faltered.


"You can't trick Blood wards like that." The werewolf grimaced as she tried to hold her balance. "Although I'm surprised you let bitches like him in." Olivia's head nodded towards Greyback.

He must have been the only non-pureblood at the party.

"Why you little—" Greyback started towards her, but she reacted instinctively.

Diffindo. Levicorpus.

She cast them wandless, and non-verbally, slicing his face and shooting Greyback into the air, dangling upside down.

Only then did she realise what she'd done. She'd acted out in front of a group fo Death Eater's. All of them had their wands out ready and aimed at her. But she didn't see the reason why they all dispersed.

She was left in the room with Greyback and a couple standing Death Eater's. One of them walked over to her, pushing Greyback into a wall with the flick of their wrist.

As he stood above her, her reached up with both hands and took off his mask.

Olivia couldn't say she recognised him and she thought she knew what every Death Eater looked like. He had multiple lines on his face, but she could tell that they weren't from anything physical like a werewolf.

It was as if his veins were alive with magic. Dark magic.

He held out his hand, waiting to help her up.

Even though she didn't show it, Olivia was freaking out on the inside. She had fucked up by attacking a Death Eater in their territory, but here was one helping her up.

Maybe she'd done something right?

It was time to put on the show of her life.

"What is your name?"

She couldn't exactly say her own. "Hermione."

"Not many people can take on an Alpha, Hermione. Are you one yourself?"

"No." He was standing too close to her. He hadn't let go of her hand.His stare demanded her to not look away.

"You have extraordinary power. What family are you from?"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Cousin! There you are." Sebastian made his way over, saving her from hell. "I was wondering where you had gone off too." He placed his arm around Olivia's waist, slightly pulling her away from the Death Eater.

"Cousin? That makes you a King, then. A strong, loyal family. How come we've never seen you around till now?"

Olivia then spotted Regulus over the man's shoulder, gesturing to his pocket. He had the Horcrux.

"I've been hidden away because a certain Alpha cannot control his werewolves on the full moons. Apparently, I'm a disgrace to the family." Olivia leant into Sebastian's hold, her chin held high as she spoke.

She would play the part she was given.

"I would beg to differ." The man smiled surely. He studied Olivia for a moment before he turned to the wizard. "Sebastian, bring Hermione to the next meeting, we have a lot to discuss." He once again grabbed ahold of Olivia's hand only to press a kiss to the back of her palm. "Until then."

Sebastian bowed his head. "Yes, my lord."

· · ─────── ϟ ─────── · ·

AN: This was not how I originally planned for the chapter, but I like it.

I am rewriting this story on the side, but I won't publish it until this version is finished. It's definitely a lot better and I do prefer it. I might publish it to Ao3 as I work on it until this version is done, but idk yet.

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