chapter 1- coffee and cupcakes

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Chapter 1

I was sitting at the coffee shop just minding my own business. And then this jerk. appeared. One of THE WORST people ever. Honestly. Like, how can a person be that arrogant?

My best friends Nyra, Anvi and I had all decided to head out to the library. Anvi hhit it off with someone at the library, andwe decided to meet her at the coffee shop next door once she was done talking to him. Not wanting to interrupt them, Nyra and I were currently at this fantastic coffee shop, that happened to be right next to the library. it 's definitely one of my most favorite places in the entire city. I was about to munch on a cupcake, and was waiting in line for our drinks to get ready.I had my favorite Harry Potter t-shirt on plus some white jeans, and this random guy bumps into me and spills his hot coffee all over me.  It was hot and tit stung my skin. I gasped at the sudden heat on my clothes. I looked at the guy.  I  took a deep breath. That's not a big deal, I can always wash my jeans and my shirt. I was about to tell him that it wasn't a big deal to bump into me. But then, he has the AUDACITY to tell me this.

"You should watch where you're going, cupcake," Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?? If anything, this guy bumped into me. I was literally just standing in line, and he spills his coffee over me. He should be the one apologizing. And cupcake? Seriously?? What the hell?? I'm not a freakin CUPCAKE by any standards. And he dumped hot coffee. On my Harry Potter T-shirt. Like this bitch about to get thrown.

"I don't know if you're blind or something, but you bumped into me, not the other way around. Watch where you're going sweetheart," I tell him. His face contorts in anger, and then, waits for it..... He POURS THE REST OF THE COFFEE ON MY SHIRT! My Precious Harry Potter shirt!!! I am SO MAD. Who in the WHOLE DUCKING WORLD does that???? I let out a small cry at the sudden heat on my already coffee soaked skin. I'm absolutely pissed now. Who the hell does this guy think he is? 

 I take my cupcake and smash it in his face, and walk over to my table and sit down. Ugh what a dumbass.. Who does he think he is? No one messes with me. And NO ONE dumps coffee on my Harry Potter shirt. And then blames me.  Plus, he made me waste a cupcake. What the hell, dude? 

I look at his face and start dying. It's hilarious. He is furious. Well, that's what you get for being a jerk to a stranger, in my FAVORITE shop, and for ruining my Harry Potter shirt, and for making me waste a cupcake. He wipes the cupcake off his face as Nyra comes back and gets our drinks. Now I'm sad. That was a waste of a perfectly good cupcake. . Nyra sits down and starts laughing at me. Ugh, seriously? I gave her a look and she managed to quiet down.

"You haven't even got your drink yet and you STILL managed to spill something on your shirt? Seriously Naya?" I mean, I am clumsy, but still.

"I didn't spill it, that jerk over there spilled it on my HARRY POTTER SHIRT and then told me to flipping WATCH WHERE I WAS GOING! And then he dumped the rest of his coffee on me, so I smashed a cupcake in his face." I explain, pointing to the arrogant coffee dude who spilled it on my shirt. He's glaring at me. I glare right back at him. Two can play this game.

Nyra starts busting her gut. her shoulders shaking with laughter.

"You- you smashed a cupcake in- hi-his face?" She hysterically laughs

"That, I did. And let me tell you, it's a complete waste of a perfectly good cupcake." I say pouting. Now I don't get cupcakes. He made me waste it. And My harry Potter shirt. MY HARRY POTTER SHIRT. Plus, I didn't bring any more money. Ugh my life is so hard. And yes, I am dramatic. LET ME LIVE.

Anvi walks into the coffee shop, and spots us. I wave her over.

'What's with the face?" She asks me.

"Look what that freaking quack did to my Harry potter shirt!! And He wasted my cupcake!" I tell her, super mad at him. Jerkwad.

"Naya, there's a smashed cupcake on his face. Why do I feel like I'm missing something?"

" FINE. He bumped into me and then had the AUDACITY to tell him that it was my fault, and so I told him to watch where he's going. THEN, he DUMPED all of his coffee on my shirt and so, I smashed a cupcake on his face."

Anvi starts laughing.

"HE FREAKING WASTED MY CUPCAKE! MY FOOD!" This causes them to laugh even harder.

The coffee dude comes over to me and glares at me.

"I don't know who you think you are-" I cut him off.

"You got a little something on your face there, buddy," I tell him, smirking. Barely able to contain my laughter at his furious expression.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah. An arrogant jerk who doesn't know how to watch where he's going." He slams his hand down on the table.

"You're going to regret this."

"Okay, Coffee Boy." He walks away.

"Don't forget to wipe your face!" I yell as he walks out.

We all start dying of laughter. Oh my god, that was hysterical. Except for the cupcake. It's completely his fault. If he wasn't a jerk, I wouldn't have had to smash it on his face. Good thing I wouldn't have to see him again. At least, I hoped not.  



thank you so much for reading!! are you as excited as I am to continue this as I am?? Thank you so much for reading! If you like this story, feel free to check out our profile, and click the little star, and share it!! I CAN"T WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO READ THE REST OF IT!!!!! 




Coffee Boy and Cupcake Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें