Fifty Nine: Dance the Night Away

Start from the beginning

As the sun went down, Bill, too, drifted off to sleep for a long while until he felt her move on top of him hours later.

"Bill?" she said, watching his eyes slowly flutter open to look down at her.


"Do you still love me?" she asked.

"Of course I do, darling," Bill said, running his fingers through her hair. "So much."

"Even when I'm cranky or needy?"

"Yes, Iz, even then," he said.

Isabelle just nodded and rested her head back down against his chest, keeping silence between them for what seemed to be a very long minute.

"So, do you think we could bake some cookies?" she eventually asked, causing him to let out a laugh.

"That's what this is about? Asking me if we can make cookies?" Bill said.

Isabelle nodded again and flashed him a smile, making him roll his eyes playfully.

"What time is it?" he asked.

Isabelle shrugged. "Around two, I think."

Bill let out a small huff and sat up with her, standing from the sofa and pulling her up to her feet.

"You go get the ingredients out, I'll be right back," Isabelle said.

Bill nodded and kissed her cheek quickly before she made her way upstairs and he went into the kitchen, turning on the lights and getting out the ingredients to make the cookies she wanted.

Isabelle returned after a few minutes and soon they were working on their cookies, Isabelle mixing them together in the bowl as Bill handed her different ingredients.

"Bill, can you-"

Isabelle was cut off as flour was suddenly smeared across her cheek, and she looked at him with a gaping expression.

"Oops," Bill shrugged with a grin. "What was it you needed, love?"

"What I need is a husband who doesn't make a mess every time we cook together," Isabelle said, wiping the flour off of her face and instead putting it on the tip of his nose, making him scrunch up his face playfully.

"Good thing I'm not your husband yet. I guess you're stuck with me," Bill said.

He leaned down and kissed her softly, and after a second she melted into it, wrapping her arms around his neck loosely. His hands moved to her hips for a few moments before reaching back towards her thighs, picking her up and placing her on the counter.

Bill leaned on his hands on either side of her as he deepened the kiss, her hands moving to tangle her fingers in his hair as she giggled softly. He bit down on her bottom lip gently to get permission to slip his tongue into her mouth, and she let out a small moan as it grew more aggressive.

Isabelle was the one to break the kiss after a few seconds, pushing him back a little, gently, by his chest.

"You know we can't, love," Isabelle said.

"We could go take a shower," Bill said as he placed soft kisses on her shoulder.

"I'm really not feeling up to it. I'm sorry," Isabelle said.

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