"You need to be careful next time! You would have bruised yourself"I brush the hair out of her face and she stares directly into my eyes with her blue ones.

"Yeah you're right! I'll be careful next time "she replies, panting lightly. "Thanks for catching me just in time"she smiles.

"Don't thank me"I whisper and stare directly into her eyes. She stares back. Now I need to make a move! It's now or never! The moon is way up in the sky and it has cast a shadow in the dimly lit room. I don't know how but it has made Tiffany attractive in a way. My heart beat quickens as I just check her out in the moonlight. I'm surprised it's late already. Without thinking, I lean in and brush my lips lightly against hers. She doesn't respond and I'm desperate.

I pin her to the wall and deepen the kiss. This time, she responds and I smile with a moan. She tastes like grapes and it's my favourite flavour. It just turns me on. I brush her hair and it's as soft as cotton. She rakes my hair and touches my cheeks with her soft fingers. My body was  now reacting in a different way. I felt like I belong! And I've never felt that way before! My hormones were bouncing around like thousands of marbles released onto the floor and I couldn't control it.

Tiffany got out of control too. I could feel the goosebumps on her skin as she brushed my chest softly with her fingers. It's like we were meant for each other.

"No Aiden! I need you to get me those papers!"I hear Mirabel screech outside and immediately break the kiss. Aiden is here. Tiffany looks confused.

"What's going on?"She asks softly as she rakes her hair backwards.

"I already got you the papers! Now let me in"Aiden yells and I hear the door in the laboratory creak open. He enters and I busy myself with an old book I found in one of the drawers.

"Aiden you're back"Tiffany announces and he just looks between us.

"What's he doing here?"Aiden refers to me, looking quite upset.

"He's here to help "Tiffany jumps to my defence and Aiden sighs. I smirk and massage my neck.

"Whatever"Aiden rolls his eyes. "I've got all the supplies right here in this box! I'm sorry I took so long! Your roommate had me running errands for her"He rants on and places a brown box on a table.

"Mirabel?"Tiffany questions. "That's weird....she  prefers running her own errands"

"Then I don't know what's gotten into her"Aiden shrugs as he puts on a pair of gloves. "Let's get this done"he adds.

"Can you finish it? I'm exhausted"Tiffany grumbles.

"What do you mean? You're leaving?"Aiden asks.  "Tiffany you can't leave! You know I need your help with this"

"Then we can continue tomorrow! It's already late."She explains and Aiden sighs.

"I want us to finish it tonight Tiff! It's for the best! Mr Dillard will be so proud"Aiden persuades.

"Okay fine but I'll just help with the major aspect and  you can take care of the rest!"

"What about him? He has no service to render! Maybe he should leave"Aiden says

"Don't underestimate me Aiden!"I warn him and just keep on reading my book.

"Let's get this done with! Shall we?"Tiffany steers his attention off me to the experiment. I can feel it that Aiden doesn't trust me and I don't care. All I can think about, is me taking the lead! I can't believe I just kissed Tiffany! I've been thinking about it ever since Aiden arrived and I can't get it out of my head. It was different. I have kissed so many girls and I've never experienced this thrilling feeling before. I can't tell if Tiffany felt the same way but it's just weird.

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