"I..." Alina glanced at Blair.

"Alina, answer the question."

Her eyes snap back at Ameo and down to the floor. "No, not really. Water was everywhere by the time I arrived, the sink was indeed blocked, she must have forgotten and left it there."

He studied Alina for a moment before he spoke up. "Fine. I believe you." Ameo turned to Blair. "And you. You are lucky that Alina is defending you. Who knows what would happen if she didn't."

Rising from his lowered position, he headed to his office. Blair stood and rushed towards him.

"Wait! I want to follow--"

Ameo paused in his tracks, turned around in a swift move, and took an immediate step to her that silenced her. "Don't be too comfortable around me, there's a limit to my tolerance. Help the worker clean up your mess."

Blair stared at the closed door in front of her when Natal came from behind and tapped her shoulder. "Miss, I think you should stop. I recommend you refrain from trying this kind of thing just to test his patience with you."

Blair went back to the kitchen, with Natal not far behind. "But I'm curious what he will do."

Natal shook her head in disbelief at what she was saying. Why, of all people, did she have to do that to Master?

Early the next day, Ameo had left in the morning to go to the company.

Leaving Blair alone and bored with her wild thoughts, which was never a good idea. She had just discovered that irritating him was... oddly pleasant, and that heightened the urge to infuriate him even more.

She went up the stairs and slipped into his bedroom because of her memorising the code, because of her regularly coming there, but never entered without his permission. Ameo's spicy cologne was detected by her nose, it never got old. His floor-to-ceiling windows allowed the natural light to spill in and spread over his king-sized bed.

And outside, the maze was covered in a thin veil of white. How long has she been here now? Six months. She later closed the open window and resumed the plan that she had set.

She turned on the light and scavenged through his wardrobe. Even though she was heavily instructed to not to do anything that would bring her trouble by Alina, she ignored it. If she never got caught, it never happened, right?

Blair looked through his clothes to only find dull colours and some colourful ones here and there. They would look massive on her, as she was much smaller compared to him.

Without a second thought, she snatched the closest shirt and put it on, but it was really uncomfortable with the dress she had underneath. She slid off her dress before she put on the shirt.

She scurried to the tall mirror.

The white shirt hung over her body, it reached to her knee with her hands almost invisible. None of her curves were visible at all. How disappointing. She headed back to the wardrobe and continued to try out other clothes.

After a while, her stomach growling, interrupted her test-clothing spree. She looked at her phone, and it was two in the afternoon. The sound of keypad beeping and unlocking cut through her hunger. She usually came to his room but, again, never without his permission. She was doomed. Why did he come back so early?

In a hurry, she grabbed the clothes and shoved it in any place she could find. On all fours, she hid underneath a stack of clothes in the corner. Her heart pounds hard when she noticed she didn't turn off the lights and she wore one of his sweaters with her dress nowhere to be found.

Heavy steps headed towards the wardrobe, and entered it, but soon came to a full stop.

Then the light turned off; the door closed shut, and the room turned pitch black.

For what seemed like forever, his footsteps later faded and shut in a distance. She let out a breath, she never expected that she would get away with this since Ameo was a very observant man.

Blair made her way out of her hiding place; she made sure her movements were quiet. She searched in the dark for her dress, but she couldn't seem to find it. After giving up, she stood and pushed open the door.

The entire room was empty.

Relief washed over her features, she didn't want to find out what he would do as this time she went a bit too far. Blair went and opened the door.

Ameo stood right outside his bedroom door.

He stared at her as she stared back at him. The intense silence hung heavily in the room.

Her heart stopped, and her stomach dropped as Ameo gazed down at her. His eyes nearly bore into hers.

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