Chapter 58: You Remember That?

Start from the beginning

"Keep it simple, got it. Thanks," he responds. He says he's got it, but I already know he's still going to mess up.

"No problem. Now, come on, get your coat. I want to take some pictures," I reply. He nods and hurries into his room, grabbing his coat before heading downstairs with me. We find our parents sitting in the living room and walk up to them.

"What do you think?" I ask, twirling around to show off my dress.

My mom gasps. "You look beautiful, baby! Jonathan's going to drop dead when he sees you," she compliments. I giggle at her words.

"You look great, sweetheart," my dad notes with a proud smile.

"Thank you!" I turn to Lucas and back up. "Okay, stand right there. I want to take some pictures," I claim, holding up my camera. He obeys and smiles for the camera and I snap a few photos. "Aww, you look so adorable! Max is very lucky," I comment in a singsong voice.

"Y/n!" Lucas scolds, getting embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," I apologize before addressing my mom. "Hey, mom, can you take some pictures of us?"

"Sure, baby," she responds, taking the camera. I show her how to use it before going to stand next to Lucas. We pose and smile together, and mom takes a few photos.

"Okay, thanks, mom. Lucas, let's go," I voice, taking the camera from my mom.

"Oh, don't you want a few more?" she asks, obviously wanting to take dozens more. I giggle at her reaction.

"No, mom, we've got enough but thank you. We have to go now," I tell her before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Erica, can you take this to my room? Oh, and bring me my purse, I left it on the bed," I address my sister. She nods and takes the camera, running upstairs. I approach Lucas to make sure he's ready to go and Erica returns a few seconds later, handing me my purse. "Thanks, sis," I say, giving her a side hug.

"How come you do things for her but not for me??" Lucas questions her with an offended look on his face.

"Because she's not a nerd like you," Erica fires back. Lucas is about to respond but I stop him before he could.

"Okay! That's enough, you two. Come on, go to the car." I shove Lucas out the door while waving goodbye to everyone. "Bye, we'll be back in a few hours!" They return the goodbye and I shut the door behind me.

My eyes shoot open and dart everywhere. It was just a dream. At least it was a nice dream this time. I sigh as I think about it, wishing I could go back to that night. My life was a lot simpler back then... but oh, well. I can't dwell on the past. I rub my eyes and feel something holding onto me. I turn my head and notice Peter's sleeping face about an inch away from mine. My back is pressed to his chest and his arm is wrapped firmly around my waist. I smile fondly and turn back around, relishing this moment. There was no Peter Parker back then and now that there is, I wouldn't want to live without him. I close my eyes, not falling asleep but just resting in his arms, the most comfortable place to be right now.

About 20 minutes later, I feel Peter begin to stir. His grip on me loosens so I turn my body to the other side to face him. He flutters his eyes open and a small smile forms on his face when he sees me. "Good morning, sleepyhead," I softly greet.

"Morning," he returns. I can't help but notice how attractive his morning voice is. "How'd you sleep?" he asks.

"I slept okay. You?"

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