Swift Sisters Grand Launch II:

Start from the beginning

"Hey Aiden"she greets him and he lifts his hand up in response. "Why are you sitting with Tiffany?"she demands.

"Mari, don't be so hard on him! He's not gonna bite me"I defend and she narrows her eyes at him.

"I must admit, you look adorable in that tux"Mirabel comments and I chuckle.

"Jace is probably waiting for me at our table! I'll see you later and oh, Samantha will be here soon! She's on her way"Mirabel rants.

"Why don't you join us on our table? We are closer to the refreshments"I wink,  tilting my head towards the refreshments area where there were pies, chips, and a whole lotta goodies for everyone to eat. My mom said it was all provided by the Food Court Restaurant.

"Yeah you have a point! Jace!!! Get over here"she says and sits next to me. Jace struts towards us with hands pocketed in his black pants. His white shirt was perfectly ironed and his blond hair was a bit tousled.  He sat next to Aiden and greeted us.

There's a round of applause as Gina and Murphy display their work. The twin models looked absolutely stunning after their makeover. I loved Gina's work more because it was pure work of art.

"As you can see, our twin models are looking so glamourous with the Swift Sisters makeover! Good job Gina and Murphy"Janet gratifies, holding the pink card which was the programme tightly in her hand. Everyone was holding one.

"Murphy did a great job with the other twin"Mirabel admires his work and I huff. It was Gina's for me.

"You all can go backstage now! Thank you so much for that beautiful demonstration!"Janet gratifies and they step down.

"Next on our programme, we have a performance by two of our loveliest little dancers! They decided to perform this night for all of us! Without wasting much time, let's invite Ramona Sparx and Riele Croxford"Janet announces and I'm dumbfounded. Riele is performing tonight? Mom never told me about it!

"Hey! That's your little sister"Mirabel smacks my arm as she scrutinises the programme in her hand. "And you're giving the vote of thanks"she teases

"What? Me?"I ask and grab my card off the table. "I am giving vote of thanks"I spill surprised. This is bad! Really bad! I can't speak in front of all these people!

"Mirabel I can't speak in front of all these people"I whisper. To make it worse, Blake and His New Girlfriend are here!

"You can, it's like talking to Me! Just look at me and a few other people  you know the whole time as you talk. It's that simple"she convinces and I nod sucking in a breath.

I begin to give myself a pep talk. Tiffany you can do this! They are just people! You've got what it takes! Your mom is confident, you need to be confident.

Riele and Ramona begin their performance with Toby playing the piano on stage. The audience applauded the little ones as they performed on stage.

"Toby?"Aiden squeals shocked to the bone. I was shocked too.

"Your brother is a pianist?"I question

"He takes piano lessons from my dad"Aiden replies.

"Can you play? Or you didn't take lessons from your dad"Mirabel joins in the conversation.

"I did and I still do but Toby practices more than me"he admits.

"He's wonderful with the notes"Jace confesses. "Look at him seated up there, playing the keyboard confidently"he adds and we all whirl our heads back to the stage.

Ramona was apparently twirling so fast on stage on the tip of her toes and Riele was dancing so beautifully alongside. My mom had this proud beam plastered on her face and Janet had the same expression as they watched their daughters wow the audience with their skills. My dad and Mr Sparx were however admiring how Toby was playing the piano and were talking about him most of the time.

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