Anxiety. Exactly the emotion she felt before, because of the fear to get closer to the girl.

If she regretted that the kiss happened... no. But she was hurt somewhere, because the Brooks was more distant than usual.. Elizabeth noticed that very much.

She still spent her days with the brunette, as they were still in the same class and also went together or sat together with the Black at recess, but she noticed this slight awkward silence that was never there before.

Even Max noticed that something was wrong between the two. But since she didn't want to speculate, she didn't address anyone about it, but was always the one setting the mood.

Lizzie appreciated that.

It was the weekend and today as usual the meeting, of the two at her tree.

Lizzie loved the thought of having something like that with a person, like in all the love movies, because it sounded like a dream to say that every day, you meet with a person in an empty forest, just to listen to songs that the person plays on their guitar. But it was like that and the Olsen liked it a lot..

With the light of the table lamp and a pen in her hand, the green-eyed woman sits on her bed scribbling in her journal. Next to her was her phone, which was quietly playing a playlist... it was a playlist Bella sent her the evening after the two had their first time meeting on their bus to school. Of course also with the half first kiss on the cheek for the Olsen.

The dark blonde hummed along lightly to the voice of the band Pixies as she wrote another full page of her thoughts. Constantly in her thoughts of the brunette girl.

The two did not write once today, which was very unusual for the two. She missed the nightly texts that cost the Olsen girl countless nights.

The last word written down, she put her pen aside, while with a sigh she went to lie down on her back, facing the ceiling. She gently closed her eyes and let her hands rest on her stomach.

"Should I even check on her?" the question came into her head."What if she doesn't want to see me at all, or what if I've completely ruined everything between us now?"

Countless of such thoughts popped into the girl's head that she had no control over. She wanted to put an end to it..

"Fuck it. I'll go... said that I can kiss her but then treats me like I'm a ghost afterwards."

With a swing from the bed, the Olsen made her way to get ready. Her old gray sneakers, white longer socks, black shorts and.. the brunettes green sweater.. It gave the Olsen a slightly sporty look that she liked.

As usual, dark blonde girl made her way quietly from the window of her room onto the garage.

Before making her way down onto the ground the girl suddenly heard a voice from the direction of the front of the house.

The garage was on the side, but the Olsen could hear the voice clearly. Panicking at being discovered, the girl went down on her stomach

"Yes... Yes, for the hundredth time, it's her!"

"Mason? What's he doing here?" the girl asked herself.

"Listen to me... There's nothing she can do now anyway. She has nothing to prove, so calm down now!."

Elizabeth listened intently.

"We did it with the brother ... we can do it with Alexander's crazy little sister."

Slowly she realized where the football player was standing.... glancing down, she saw the boy moving back and forth on the Olsens' property between the garage and toward the street. How could he not see her or she not see him?

GREEN SWEATER - Elizabeth OlsenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant