Chapter 56: That's a Wrap Part 3

Start from the beginning

"So I'm a ghost," he clarifies.

"Technically, yeah..." More tears begin to flow from my eyes and my lip begins to quiver. "But most importantly, you are my role model, the person I look up to the most... you're my father. Well, one of them."

More tears begin to spill from Tony's eyes as he listens. The electrical buzzing noise grows louder, pushing me to pour my heart out. "I-I need to thank you for everything you've done for me. You gave me a home, a new family... I never got to tell you that I love you."

Tony gapes at me and there's a twinkle in his eyes as if his wish just came true. He embraces me into a tight hug and replies, "I love you too, kiddo. Thank you for coming into my life... We might've been living in a sitcom and I barely remembered anything from the real world, but I'm just glad we had some extra time."

"Me too," I mutter against his shoulder. We snap our heads up when we hear the buzz get louder, knowing we're now out of time. Tony grabs my hands, gently squeezing them as he gazes at me.

"Do me a favor and just live your life. Do everything you want to do, never settle for less... and keep an eye on Peter. You need each other more than you realize," he advises. I nod my head.

"I promise."

He nods and gives me a pained yet relieved smile. "Tell Morgan her dad loves her 3000," he says. I squeeze his hands, afraid to let go. I'm not ready for this, I don't want to let go.

"I will," I assure him. The barrier finally reaches us and we remain in place as red and lavender glitches all around us. Tony's body begins to vanish in a white light but I keep my eyes locked with his.

"Tell Pepper I love her," he voices and I nod my head. I move my hands to his face as his body fades away. Soon enough, the last piece remaining of Tony Stark is his face.

"See you later, kiddo..."

The white light consumes the rest of his face and my hands hold nothing but air now. The house is gone and I'm suddenly back in the clothes I was wearing when we created this reality. I lower my hands and flicker my eyes down, spotting Wanda a short distance in front of me. We lock eyes before looking around the empty lot we're standing in. We turn to each other again and slowly approach one another, embracing in a hug. "They're gone," I murmur.

"Yeah..." Wanda mumbles. We pull apart and I study her numb face, knowing I look the same way. We pull our hoods over our heads at the same time and walk out of the lot, heading toward the town square. I can already imagine the welcome we'll receive. We finally make it and as we pass through, I notice all the glares from the Westview residents as they gather around to watch us. I get it though. I'd be mad at myself too. We walk up to Monica and she gives us an empathetic look.

"They'll never know what you guys sacrificed for them."

"It wouldn't change how they see us," Wanda states.

"So I guess they know I'm Amethyst now?" I mention. Monica sighs and nods her head. Great, so much for keeping that a secret.

"Some people have mentioned it but..." She pauses, awkwardly looking between me and Wanda. "They think that Wanda was the main mastermind. They're still upset with you but a little less." Wanda looks down in disappointment and I frown. This is probably supposed to be a good thing for me but it doesn't make me feel better. I don't like the thought of them villainizing Wanda. "But don't worry, they won't talk. We're handling it," Monica assures me.

Now that brings me some comfort. I don't need the world knowing my identity. "Thank you," I say.

"And you, you don't... you don't hate us?" Wanda inquires. Monica shakes her head.

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