"I'm going to get to work now. I don't want to waste time" I say, watch his frown take place on his face. "Your state is slightly better thanks to your soulmate, but it's still too soon to do anything relating to memories" he counters, his hand on my shoulder tightening as if to keep me in place.

I nod, knowing full well what using my ability includes. "Eunwoo is worth it. He's been there for me from the very beginning, gave me hope through my worst days and never, absolutely never left me alone when I was in trouble. I'm not settling for any less for him. I know what the government is capable of and imagining what they can do to him makes me sick" I retort, watch as he bites on his bottom lip, deep in thoughts.

"Do your soulmates know?". I guiltily look down and shake my head. "They might not let me and I wouldn't be able to go against their wishes, so I came here straight away" I mumble, his sigh in response one a father would have for his daughter's bad decision.

"Let me at least come with you so I can keep an eye on your condition. I know Seo-joon has many pictures ready that await you" he says as he runs a hand through his hair.

Thankful, I nod and allow him to lead us to the door, the man guarding it bowing lightly before opening the door for us. Seo-Joon is at his desk and the angry frown he makes as he looks up fades into a concerned frown when he sees the two of us enter. That's a new expression I'm seeing on him, I tell myself, but it quickly disappears into a more neutral face.

"What can I do for you again?" he asks, his annoyed tone suddenly not as menacing as it would've been had I not seen his previous concern.

"Make use of my ability. Use me, get as much out of me as you can. I don't care the types of pictures, the types of pain I'll endure nor do I care about the amount. They have Eunwoo and who knows what they'll do to him, I can't stay aside and not do a thing to get him back" I tell the man, watch as he pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, his eyes on me going to Rain.

"Is she in any state to do so?" he asks the doctor. I shoot the man by me a look, hoping he would take my side. "No lying. Is she in any state to endure some mild pain?" Seo-joon asks again. Rain hums. "Do we have death to deal with?" he asks.

Seo-joon leans back into his chair and shakes his head. "No, just fighting and running. Some of my informants sent me pictures of themselves while on the run, I know some of them were a bit wounded. A broken arm or leg, a burn here and there, there are others a bit rougher but those can wait".

"I can handle those. I'll be fine" I say before the doctor can say anything. Heck, I've dealt with a lot worse, yet here he is being concerned about whether I can handle this or not. Seo-joon tsks his tongue but keep his eyes on Rain. "So, can she? Is it safe?". I roll my eyes, annoyed to be ignored but I don't say anything.

"If I stay by her side to keep an eye on her state, it should be safe. She's doing a lot better, she just can't handle any pictures with death yet, we need to stay away from those" Rain says, his words making me release my breath I didn't know I was holding.

The boss stands up from his chair with a nod and comes to stand by the two of us. "Let's go now then, no time like the present. I'll tell you as soon as I get any info on your friend, you have my word" he says, his hand awkwardly ruffling my hair.

I stare up at him, just as awkward but I nod, thankful for the promise. I guess Mark was right, he's a scary teddy bear, but not a bad one.

We step out of the room and start walking down the corridor to take a path I haven't seen before. "So, in those pictures, you'll have to read the informants' minds and give us any information they have gathered. You'll know which ones to look for, they're made aware to make this easy for you. Mostly they'll have made a monologue just for you before taking the picture" Seo-joon explains and I nod. 

The pictures that talk ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt