Chapter 50: Breaking the Fourth Wall

Start from the beginning

"You slept in yours too?" I note, to which she nods.


The twins fight over the Wii controller in the living room but stop when they see us coming down the stairs. They give us a weird look as we walk into the kitchen. Wanda opens the fridge and grabs the almond milk, while I go to the pantry and grab the Nutella jar. I fetch a spoon from the dish rack and turn around to open the jar. The almond milk turns into a carton of Vitamin D milk and the Nutella turns into peanut butter. "Aw, man, I don't want peanut butter," I complain. I move my hands in a reverse motion, turning it back into Nutella. "Hm," I hum in satisfaction and open the jar, scooping some of the hazelnut spread with my spoon.

Wanda pours milk into her bowl and when she sets the carton down, it glitches into a glass milk bottle. We glance at it confused and Wanda just picks up her bowl, shoveling a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. I grab the Nutella jar and a flash of red and lavender glitch over it. I ignore it and we head out of the kitchen.


"Yeah, I'm not sure what that's about. Maybe we're just really out of it," I tell the camera.

(In a separate interview): "It's probably just a case of the Mondays," Wanda chuckles. "Am I right?"


Vision and Tony wake up in the grass, hearing circus music around them. To their surprise, they see circus tents and clowns in front of them where the SWORD base used to be. They glance at each other before scrambling to their feet. A man suddenly walks up to them. "You're the new clowns? At least you're already in makeup, and we'll just put a wig and red nose on you. You're late for rehearsal with the escape artists, come on," he speaks. He strides away, passing by the escape artists, who happen to be Will and Darcy.


"Yeah, I'm not great at this gig, I gotta be honest. It doesn't really speak to my skill set. I put in for the bearded lady, but this alabaster complexion wasn't fooling anyone," Darcy voices.

Will shrugs from beside her. "I think I'm pretty decent."

"No, you're not," Darcy replies. Will gives her an offended look but then shrugs, accepting her statement.


Vision and Tony approach them and Vision points between himself and them. "Can we help you, creepers?" Darcy questions.

"You don't remember us from last night?" Tony asks. Darcy and Will look weirded out, misunderstanding what he meant.

"We locked eyes. There was an unspoken understanding," Vision voices.

"Um, hard pass," Darcy answers.

"Yeah, I'm not into that," Will pipes up. They both remove their chains and walk away.

"No, wait! Wait up!" Vision calls as they chase them.

"You see what you did? You scared them away," Tony exclaims.


Wanda and I walk into the living room with our cereal and Nutella. "Have you seen your dad?" she asks the twins.

"Or mine?" I add.

"Um, no," Tommy mumbles.

Billy awkwardly turns to us and asks, "do you wanna go look for them?"

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