Chapter 49: Sister, Sister, Brother Part 2

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I smile back but still feel strange about this. The twins suddenly run past us and go to Wanda and Pietro. "Uncle P, guess what?" Tommy voices. I approach them and Jonathan follows.

"They've got full-sized candy bars a few blocks up. Mom, can we go?" Billy asks. Tommy zooms away and returns, using his newfound super-speed.

"Next stop, Cavity Town," he says.

Wanda and I smile at him. "Oh, my gosh!" I voice.

"Right on, little dude! Chip off the old Maximoff block. You've got super-speed!" Pietro shouts.

"I do?" Tommy questions.

"Yeah!" Pietro high-fives him as me and Wanda excitedly chuckle.

"It's okay, baby. You can- you can take it slow, you can-" Wanda is interrupted when Tommy takes off, speeding all over the place. We all stand there and observe as a blue streak rushes around. Wanda suddenly stops him, catching his arm. "If you're gonna break the sound barrier, please just take your brother with you."

"Really??" Billy enthusiastically questions.

"Really?" Tommy asks, less excited. I laugh at this.

"Really. Yeah. And please just remember to do-" Wanda replies.

"Don't go past Ellis Avenue," the twins finish her sentence.

"We know, Mom. We know," Tommy states. He takes Billy's hand and takes off.

"Hey, be careful!" Wanda yells after them.

"Oh, they'll be fine, sis! They're smart kids," I assure her.


The group sneaks back into the base and enters an empty room. They see a few TVs and Monica stops in front of them. "Who is that?" she asks when she sees Pietro.

"Wanda's brother came to town," Jimmy answers.

"He brought the wrong face," Darcy adds. A shot of y/n and Jonathan talking pops up next.

"What about him?" Monica questions again.

"Y/n's ex," Peter bitterly replies.

"He also brought the wrong face," Lucas chimes in.

"Yeah, that's definitely not my brother," Will expresses.

"Over here," Jimmy calls them over. Darcy opens up a laptop and pulls up information.

"We shouldn't hang out here too long," Mike says.

"Uh, give me two seconds. I just need to hack into the secure network on the base... donezo. Now, should be able to access the data on Hayward's devices," Darcy says as she turns to look at Will, who's waiting by the laptop on the table behind her. He starts typing and pulls up Hayward's data.

"Oh. That's interesting. Guys, Hayward figured out a way to look through the boundary," Will announces as Jimmy and Darcy analyze the screen.

"And he didn't share it with the group," Dustin remarks. He and everyone else move around Will and Darcy to look at the screen.

"Is this Wanda right here?" Jimmy asks, pointing at a red dot on the screen.

"No. The program is tracking the decay signature of vibranium," Darcy affirms.

"Vision. Wait. Why is Hayward tracking Vision?" Monica voices.

"I don't know. This is all we can access so far," Will answers.

"These other dots, those are Westview residents?" Peter inquires.

"The ones in Vision's immediate vicinity, yeah," Darcy answers before she continues what she's doing on a different computer.

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