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Xinyi's POV

Kun and I finally finished talking and I already left his room. Mrs. Chen might wonder since I've been there for so long. I still have a lot to know. I haven't asked Ten and Xiaojun yet.

About Kun, he said that he volunteered to come here hoping that they can heal him but he's wrong. I felt bad for them, I felt so sorry for them. They have been here for so many years. Some nurses and doctors have tried to save them but they're still here.

Even Juchae... She failed...

And the fact that it's Mrs. Chen's fault, I regret it. I regret believing everything that she said about this patient. I can't imagine that with that simple face Mrs. Chen was hiding something evil.

This time, I must save them. I can finally get them out here. Because if I don't do it, what will happen to the next victims?

I envy Juchae because she is so brave. She opposed Mrs. Chen even if its an exchange for her life. But she's still wrong too.

You don't have to die just to escape all the problems you have. So this time, I will not believe to what Mrs. Chen says. I will not be fooled by someone like her. She doesn't deserve to be the owner of this asylum.

But I'm still wondering how she becomes like that? We all know that every villain have a behind the story. But whatever her story is, she still did it wrong. They're still doing it wrong.


Ten's POV

"She knows everything about Juchae!?" I almost shout at Kun.

Why does he have to tell the story? When Winwin finds out, her life will be in danger. No, I'm here to protect her from Winwin but if Mrs. Chen found out about this, I can't protect her.

"What about it? She deserves to know, what if she's the one?  She's the one who can finally save us." Kun claim. I shook my head.

"She's not! She's not brave enough to face them! She's not like Juchae. She's so innocent, she's like a porcelain doll that it is easy to break, a doll that I should take care of!" Kun laughed because of what I respond.

"If they hurt her, then let's fight Ten. Let's fight. I don't want anyone to die because of us. Because I'm fed up too. I'm fed up with the stupidity they're doing!"

He's right.

He's right

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