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Xinyi's POV

The whole room fell silent because of what Kun told. I didn't expect that. I know that Hendery and Winwin love Juchae. But I didn't expect Juchae is their first love.

"That's the reason why Hendery ends up like that. Every time he drowns himself. Those were the times he wanted to remember Juchae. Funny how he stay under the water for almost 5 minutes. As if Hendery is repeating what happened to Juchae then, the difference is he alive while Juchae is dead" Kun points out.

"How about Winwin?"

"After what happened, Winwin became more aggressive. They couldn't really control Winwin anymore. If before he didn't really kill people. Since Juchae died, he can do it. He almost kills every nurse and doctor who approaches him. That's why only Ten had the ability to calm him down then. It's good that his condition is getting better, that's why don't let him remember about Juchae's death because he'll go back to being aggressive and psycho again." Kun state.

"By the way, Kun... How did you find out all of this? How did you find out what was going on with Juchae? For the whole story, you weren't there." I really wondered why Kun knew this. In his story, I never heard him say that he was there and witnessed all that happened.

"About that..." Kun stood up and went to the broken drawer. After that, he grabs a notebook. He places it on the table.

"Because of this, everything that happens to Juchae is written here. It's like her diary. She gave it to me so I wouldn't forget about her" Kun answered and sat down on his chair again.

"Maybe you're wondering why I'm here? I'm here because I have dementia. Where I have some memory loss and sometimes I can no longer control my personality. That's why Juchae wrote this. She said that I should read it in case I forgot something. So there's was a word 'Read Me' written in front of it, for me to read it every time I forgot something. I also found out here what really happened to her. Before she died, she give me this. I read it and then I found out that she sacrifices herself for us. She said she didn't regret doing it."


"Maybe other people will think she's a 'fool' because she agreed to sacrifice herself for us instead of staying here just like Ten. But they're wrong, she badly wants to die. To forget those hurtful words she received from the other people around her. She's glad that she met us because somehow she felt that she had sympathy. For us, she's an angel. An angel we failed to protect "

 An angel we failed to protect "

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Please don't hate Juchae's character. Thank you.

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