Bedtime Routine (smut)

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*Warning: impromptu smut, for y'all 😏🔥*

Heey!!! I missed ya! But what could we do? There was so much content to care about some random Jerrie oneshot series, eww 🤢😂😂😂

Lol, I'm joking! But let's be serious for a minute and let's address the elephant in the room: last "one-shot" was awful 😫 smut-wise. Yeah... you don't have to say it...

BUT, I got a pride to protect, so here you have this second attempt of a cheeky little smut... and at the end, you'll tell me if I still got it 😜

Enjoy! ✌️

Perrie's POV

It was past ten at night. I've cleaned the kitchen after the dinner, took a shower and completed my night skincare regime. Tonight, I had took my time, as rare times we were allowed, cuz we've left work early for the first time in days, and now, I was more than ready to go to bed.

I started coming out of the bathroom, slowly, with only a bathrobe on. I couldn't bother on searching for a night suit if I was going to take it off anyway. After all, sleeping without clothes allows the body to breathe at night, and I liked it that way. Yet, and despite all that preparation... something was ruining my bedtime routine.

The subject in question was right there, on her pillow. I could almost see a sign of cautious with a giant neon arrow pointing at her; still body under the sheets, except for the eyes, that moved along the lines of her encyclopaedia-size fiction book, with the company of the dim light coming from her nightstand lamp.

When I gave a step in her direction, she received me with nothing but a single arched eyebrow and a serious glance over the frame of her glasses.

"... you still mad, huh?" I nodded.

Jade didn't respond immediately with words, but I could see her jaw clenching as she formulated the right answer.

"I'm not happy" she let out in a sigh, leaving the book to one side. "But don't worry. I'll be over it in the morning".

"Oww..." my protective instinct came in when her gutted answer tore down all my barriers - even when I knew she wasn't thaaat mad at me. I came close to her anyway, sitting on the edge of the bed. "What can I do to make you feel better?"

You could easily tell I'm not the one who thinks too much when choosing the words.

"You could've taken my side earlier" she retorted instantaneously.

I took a deep breath. She hadn't forgiven me that I'd agreed with Leigh-Anne, today, when I had the decisive vote on the coordinated outfit choice.

"Babe..." I almost rolled my eyes, but I contained myself. "It's just a shoot".

Her face went from serious to upset when her eyes narrowed.

"A shoot that would have been amazing..."

"It will be amazing!" I corrected.

"-it would have been more amazing" she insisted, "if we had chosen the pantsuits instead of the dresses!"

"But you looked stunning with your dress..."

"That's not the point!" she told me, crossing her arms like a little kid doing a tantrum. I couldn't take it serious with those freaking adorable -yet sexy- glasses. "I wanted to wear my Jimmy Choo's stilettos, Pez!"

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