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*Drama/NOT smut warning XD*

Disclaimer: I'm basing this chapter on real events, but I'm changing the name of our good mixer fellow S.H. (you know, the guy from the original message above (? if you don't know, do you live under a rock? I'm kidding, ask me by dm (?) to avoid damaging his reputation.

Boy, I'm predicting this is flopping so bad jskajskajskajks anyway, please, enjoy (: XD

Perrie's POV

Hi guys! It's me, Perrie. Perrie Edwards. You may have heard of me... well, no. Actually, you must bloody know me, especially if you want to hear my version of this story.

For your information, this is going to be really short: I'm gonna let it out of my chest, and nobody will ever talk about this in the future, am I clear?

... because, it's kinda embarrassing...


Alright. So, here it goes...


It all started in the early evening of the second and last day of the Fusion Festival 2019. It was a rather chill day in Liverpool, but we were inside, finishing our warming ritual, boosting our confidence with our moral support speeches and stuff...

"...we're going to smash this!" Jesy was telling us. "We can do this. I trust you and I love you all, okay? And last but foremost..." yadda yadda yadda.

Don't get me wrong. I love her to pieces, but Jade's cellphone constant buzz was distracting me.

Who was it? And what do I care?

Anyway, we finished. We kissed and hugged each other. I couldn't help but spying on Jade when she finally attended her phone. She seemed confused.

"What is it?" Leigh asked for me.

"I don't know" Jade answered, letting us see what she had received. It was only a plain light blue square with a phrase that read:


"I don't get it" Jade muttered.

"Who's Shawn Harvey?" I wondered, and Jesy took out her own phone, apparently to look for him. What she found instead was the same picture all over her Instagram timeline.

We were still confused when Jade's phone rang. It was Aaron, our makeup artist.

"Where are you?" we could hear him as he screamed. Not even the sound of a plane of some sort flying outside our dressing room blocked the sound of his voice. "Come outside now!"

Seconds after that, the four of us, and some of the members of the staff, were out there, looking at the sky. The message was up in the air, and it was attached to a plane flying around, where everyone could see it.

"Omg, Jade!" Leigh-Anne squealed, while hugging her, excited.

"Looks like some cheeky lady here has a new cheeky boyfriend!" Jesy teased her, too.

"Stop it!" Jade responded, but not really bothered. Flushed, actually.

Why does that name sound familiar to me?

Wait. Some memories started to resurface on my mind.

Isn't it... the guy that sent flowers for Jade the day we were at Radio 1 studio? Like a year ago...? Yeah! I remember now. They were like a hundred of them. All red roses. Jade ended up giving them away to a girl from the radio staff whose birthday was that day.

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