The One Where Little Mix Goes To The Millie Bobby Brown's 16th Birthday Party

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*Warning: I'm a Paddy stan, in the Jerrie World 🎶*


Hehehe... you know when I start to write a "short" idea that all of a sudden... 😅


Jade's POV

It's five minutes past the agreed time. Where's Pez?

Maybe I shouldn't have made her come to my flat. I should have gone to hers. Or arrive to the party alone. Like, I wouldn't have minded. Is it too late to tell her I can go on my own?

Ugh, come on, Amelia. Stop overthinking. Because... she's the one that offered to give me a ride... right?


"Are you guys going to Millie's party?" Perrie asked us during studio session two days ago.

"Oh, I already have plans with Chris, so... no" Jesy excused herself. "Sorry".

"Jesy!" Leigh groaned. "Whatever. I am going. And I'm taking Andre with me!" she said, cheering and clapping with her usual fuss.

"That's great!" Perrie said. "I'll take Ellie too. She's so obsessed with Millie that I know she'd kill me if I wouldn't" she scoffed.

"Are you going to the party, Jade?" Jesy asked me.

"Uhh... sure. Why not?" I simply said, shrugging.

"Are you going by yourself or you're taking someone?" Perrie wanted to know.

I looked at her and our eyes met. I couldn't help to notice the interest she seemed to have in such a casual question.

Nah, it must be my imagination.

"Well... I wasn't thinking on taking anyone as companion..."

"Jade, you're so independent" Leigh sighed in admiration. I think.

"Do you want to come with us?" Perrie proposed me. "We can pick you up at your house in our way there".


She texted me earlier she would let me know when she arrived, so I was just waiting for my cue to go out.

"Why are you so nervous?" Holly, my flatmate, asked me.

I didn't even realize it, but now I was walking from one side to the other of the apartment.

"Is is because Perrie is picking you up?"

"I'm not nervous" I clarified, but couldn't help but jump when my phone vibrated in my hand. Perrie and Ellie had arrived. "They're here. Have fun!"

"You too, but not so much" Holly giggled.

"Oh, shut up!" I asked her, opening the door.

"I won't wait up!"

I left the building and found the car Perrie described me on the other side of the street. I caught a glimpse of her blonde hair through the passenger's window, so I got in the car by the back door that had been opened from the inside for me.

"Naaah... is this a joke?" I asked, while I leaned to kiss the girls in the cheek.

It turns out, Perrie wasn't in the passenger's seat. That was her cousin, Ellie. She was behind the steering wheel, and her hair wasn't down, but in a messy high bun that gave her a reckless look. Almost as reckless as driving to the party.

"I wish!" Ellie cried, while returning my greeting kiss. "You look amazing, by the way".

"Oh, come on, Smelly Ellie!" Perrie claimed. "I'm not that bad!"

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