Quarantine Is Over (smuffly)

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*Warning: this one-shot has a little bit of all*

Helloou! Sorry for taking too long 🙁 but hope everyone is doing okay!

One-shot #50! Put attention so the format doesn't confuse you 😜 lol

Vote, if you want, but please, comment! I love reading your comments 😂

And enjoy ❤️🤞🏻

Quarantine is over

I'm free but still unfree.

I have to go back to the old same routine.

My friends do make me genuinely smile, yet this one provokes a little more than that...

It's time for me to stop hiding inside of my flat.


I arrived to the studio bumping myself with the door in my way in. I couldn't sleep. That pretty much explains why I'm here this early. I wanted to get rid of this anxiety once and for all.


I turned around and faced a familiar face. Finally.

"Kamille! Hi!"

"Oh, no! Not you!" I heard her groan behind of her facemask. "What are you doing here?!"

I wasn't expecting that reaction.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. This is so confusing.

"Listen" she continued as if she didn't hear me. "No matter how long I take to come back, do not leave this room, understood?"

"Wait, why?" I insist. "What's going on? And today's session?"

She sighed. It didn't sound like good news coming, at all.

"It's cancelled" she lamented. "But that's not the worst part" she explained; "baby, a musical producer that was working here till last night just entered to the hospital this morning. He's serious".

Oh no.

"From the virus...?" I babbled.

"Yeah. As far as I know, this room is safe, but they'll be checking on everyone's vitals in the building to make sure of that" she said, turning around to leave. "Wait for me here. Paramedics are on their way".

Shit. Okay, okay, calm down. What were the recommendations? Not to touch my face, or any other surface. Wear my mask... maintain the distance with other people.

That last one is easy. There's no one here.

It was time for me to be alone. Way more isolated than I was before. Gosh, and I wanted to finally get rid of this silence so bad!

My head it's been nonstop lately, it's hard to focus. It's like I forgot how to... if I'm honest, it's more like, I don't want to.

I'm just so confused. Being in lockdown with nothing to do I reflected on my life and came to a conclusion: I've spent years doing what they tell me to do, every step premeditated, following a sort of strategy to reach this excellence in every aspect of my life. It's like I've been just following my brain and not my heart. But to follow my emotions now... man, I can't. The path is not clear anymore. I think.

I'll explain myself. It happened during the past months. I missed being side to side with my girls, so I obviously continued the contact with them: all of us talked daily in the group chat, but with Jesy separately, for example, we chatted about her new single life and what we'd do once we were able to go out; with Leigh we talked about the very important racism topic we personally share, and the fact she's finally getting married with her soul mate.

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